Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Train WreckAgree. Thankfully, I’ve disabled updates until they can get it straight.
Experiencing the same issue. Did you end up resolving it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Export CalendarPerhaps, I am misspeaking. Here is the write up I received. They are migrating MOST everything but, the plug-ins I installed on the original site as they (GoDaddy) do not support certain ones.
Upgrade Quantity: 1
Task Notation: Upgrade site to a v3. Keep colors and look the same
-Home page- keep it the same with the links
-About- Keep it the same. The “Click Here” links to the services page
-services- Keep it the same with the links
-Contact- Keep it the same. For the form- have it send to [email protected] and set the subject to “MSN Tayler Contact Request.
-Our clients- Keep it the same. Each image has a link. Images are in I-Drive
-Events- Keep the same dates. design to builder’s discretion
-Photo Gallery- Images are in IDRIVE
-Apply to Work- Keep the same. Have the form send to [email protected] and have the subject line set to “MSN Tayler Application Submission” Have the submission message say “You have successfully submitted your Talent Application. Our team will be reviewing it and will be in touch should we wish to schedule an interview.Thank you,
MSNTayler Mgmt.”
-Get tips- Keep the same. Don’t forget the link on the image
-Client Login- Have the menu option say “Clients” with no link and then have the drop down option say “Booking Form”
-Booking form- Keep the same. The fields “Client” and “Account Name” have a lot of options. Don’t forget them. have the form send to [email protected] and have the subject be “Client Booking Form Submission” Have the submission message say “You have submitted your event request and it will be processed shortly. Should we have any questions we will reach out.
Thank you,
MSNTayler Mgmt.”
-Employee Login- Have the menu option say “Employees” with no link. Keep the drop down options the same
-Log In- Keep same except for the “Register” part. Put that on this page (below the login) with the same options that are on the “Register” page. (username, Email Address, Password and confirm password) Below the text “Register” add text that says “DO NOT REGISTER IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY AN EMPLOYEE. CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE OUR APPLICATION AND APPLY” Have the “APPLY HERE” link to the “Apply to Work” page. Also add the text saying “After being approved for a login, you will receive your login information” or what ever typically comes with it. Make sure the users are set up where the admin has to approve the user before the profile gets created. CU will be bringing the existing users over herself
-Calendar- Set up the page but don’t put out calendar plug in since CU will have to continue using her calendar. Make it private
-Event Search- create the page, CU will set it up. Make it private
-Groups- Please create a blog post for each “group” (Wisconsin Market, Illinois Market, Michigan Market, Ohio Market, Pennsylvania Market, Iowa Market, Indiana Market) Make them Private posts so only logged in users can get access. Add a description for each of the posts that say “Discussion page dedicated to staff residing within {insert state name depending on blog- Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana}. Use this forum to request days off, meet-ups, etc.”
-Training Library- Make the page private. The power point slides will be put in as images in the “PowerPack Image Carousel” module. Set the “Slides Per Veiw” option to 1 and don’t have it on auto-play. Put on arrows and Pagination dots. There will be four modules on the page. Put titles above the modules. The titles are
On Premise Sampling ProceduresOff Premise Sampling procedures
Off Premise Sampling procedures – OHIO
How to Submit a Recap
The images for the modules are in IDRIVE
-Bookings- Create the page, CU will set it up. Make page private
-Submit Event Recap- Keep the menu option the same with the sub options (Off Premise & On Premise) but don’t add a link for the menu option
-Off Premise- Keep it the same. Set this page to private. Account name field & the Variety fields have a lot of options. Dont forget them. Have the form send to [email protected] and set the subject to “Off Premise Recap Submission” Set the submission message to “Your recap submission has been submitted. Should we have any questions we will reach out.”
-On premise- Keep it the same. Set this page to private. Account name field & the Variety fields have a lot of options. Dont forget them. Have the form send to [email protected] and set the subject to “On Premise Recap Submission” Set the submission message to “Your recap submission has been submitted. Should we have any questions we will reach out.”If the list above isn’t correct, please respond to this email immediately with the adjustments. If we don’t hear from you, these updates are expected to be complete by end of day on 9/20/19.
Sit back and relax while our designers work on your site. We’ll send you an email letting you know once the updates are complete.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Export CalendarI appreciate everyone’s input. The situation is that the theme I am currently using (Gen Charity 1/Genesis) is not longer compatible with Ninja Forms.
I use GoDaddy for the built & hosting. They suggested I needed to upgrade to Version 3 and will migrate MOST of the original site however, their policy is they do not deal with 3rd party plugins, which is my concern for the Events Manager. Naturally, I would like to keep the flow/data of all past and upcoming events loaded if it at all possible.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Export CalendarHello: I am referring to the entire history of events stored within this plug-in to the new site
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Group Email Subscription] Choosing email notification doesnt saveForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Meta description missing with 3.03What am I missing? I have the snippets correctly entered for all pages yet; does not appear such.
The “My Bookings” page where the user sees currently ALL whether rejected, pending, accepted. I would like to streamline/filter it so they have the option to only view “Accepted” events should they wish
Thank you!Thank you. I have the calendar displaying a single event but, not multiple events on the same date. Any assistance on that aspect?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Events not displaying in calendarNew to WP need some assistance with the calendar. Events are created, calendar is enabled, the calendar is highlighted to indicate an event present yet when you click – the page does not advance.