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It’s reinstalling/setting up WordPress then Woocommerce then the Woocommerce theme named Maxshop.
Each has lot’s of features, That’s why i used Duplicator.
besides website is having visitors already.
I did all i said in above posts though.
I’m selling HP products, from Mobile phones and Tablets to Servers and Equipment.Yes i did.
I activated twentyfifteen (the default one), Then activated current theme. The same thing happened.HI Cory
1. There’s no other backup plugin installed.
2. I’ve 1GB, and there’s more than 800MB still left unused.
3. As i said hosting company says we don’t have setting that makes this happen.
Bad thing about disabling plugins every time is after re-activating them, I’ve to set them all up again. But i even did this.
You know, it’s just this CSS folder, other files/folders are OK to edit.Yes they come back again, That’s wired to me too.
It’s been years I’ve been working with WordPress, plugins and cPanel.
Never ever had this. I’m stuck and this must be solved because i need to edit CSSBrowser cache has been cleared.
No, No caching plugin.
Even disabled all plugins and tried. No luck !Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: add a new file to wordpressI read a lot of articles including the two u gave.
Now i have what i was looking for, except one thing.
I can’t see the home page!
using naviagtions(in home.php), i go to the main website page (index.php) but when i click on HOME button, i reloads home.php again…
i want want to stay in website once i chose HOME.
how should i do that?
thanksForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: add a new file to wordpressThanks Esmi
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: posts/pages in vertical boxes?as i asked, i don’t know how should i get EACH post? the php part, not the css.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meteor Slides] [Plugin: Meteor Slides] edCanvas is not definedWhen i click “Use as featured image” i get this.
I’m using many plugins, one of them is another featured gallery which is placed in main page.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Always showing last 10 posts !thx for the time dude but it didn’t work too.
even this simple code causes page navigation not to work:<?php query_posts('showposts=8'); ?> <ul> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <li><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li><hr> <?php endwhile;?> </ul>
If u like plugin’s page is: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Always showing last 10 posts !yes i did deactivate and page navigation worked right.
would u plz take a look and it’s source?
i’m making that website for and important person (2 me), and without that plugin home page is not so attractive!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Always showing last 10 posts !Thx man but i’m noob in coding, so i think i’ve to remove that plugin….. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Always showing last 10 posts !And these r definitions:
$num_user = get_option('vsrp_select_num_user'); $dis_num_user = get_option('vsrp_dis_num_user'); $dis_num_height = get_option('vsrp_dis_num_height'); $vsrp_select_categories = get_option('vsrp_select_categories'); $vsrp_select_orderby = get_option('vsrp_select_orderby'); $vsrp_select_order = get_option('vsrp_select_order'); if(!is_numeric($num_user)) { $num_user = 5; } if(!is_numeric($dis_num_height)) { $dis_num_height = 30; } if(!is_numeric($dis_num_user)) { $dis_num_user = 5; }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Always showing last 10 posts !After a lot of looking into codes finally i found out what’s the cause, it’s a plugin named “Vertical Scroll Recent Posts”
And yes it has post_query inside:$sSql = query_posts('cat='.$vsrp_select_categories.'&orderby='.$vsrp_select_orderby.'&order='.$vsrp_select_order.'&showposts='.$num_user);
and a coment out line right after that:
//$vsrp_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID,post_title,post_date FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . "posts WHERE 1 and post_type='post' and post_status = 'publish' order by ID desc limit 0, $num_user");
I’m using that plugin not as widget but at the very top of index.
Anything wrong in it?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Always showing last 10 posts !No it doesn’t have query, as far as i know related code is this:
<?php $prev_link = get_previous_posts_link(__('???? »', 'kubrick')); $next_link = get_next_posts_link(__('« ????', 'kubrick')); ?> <?php if ($prev_link || $next_link): ?> <div class="art-Post"> <div class="art-Post-tl"></div> <div class="art-Post-tr"></div> <div class="art-Post-bl"></div> <div class="art-Post-br"></div> <div class="art-Post-tc"></div> <div class="art-Post-bc"></div> <div class="art-Post-cl"></div> <div class="art-Post-cr"></div> <div class="art-Post-cc"></div> <div class="art-Post-body"> <div class="art-Post-inner art-article"> <div class="art-PostContent"> <div class="navigation"> <?php wp_pagenavi(); ?> </div>