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  • Indeed!!! Thank you,

    Not sure exactly what you are trying to do but if it is what I think, you can add product categories as sub pages to the “Shop” page by adding a page per categoy then including shortcodes to reflect the products under the category page.

    For example, add a new page for “Hefalumps”, then include the short code for that particular category:

    [product_category category=”hefalumps”] (assuming this is the slug you assigned to that category)

    in that same page include the products short code to display anything under “hefalumps”

    [product_category category=”hefalumps” per_page=”12″ columns=”4″ orderby=”date” order=”desc”]

    save the page then go to “Appearance” then “Menus” select the new page “Hefalumps” and add it to your custom menu as a sub page to “Shop” save your menu.

    Now you should be able to see the “Hefalump” page under your “Shop” page, click on it and it should direct you to the “Hefalump” page you created displaying all of the products under the “hefalump” slug.

    Hope this helps!

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