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  • Thread Starter mrfr0st


    Hello. That is awesome news! Thank you very much!

    Thread Starter mrfr0st


    That is great news, thank you!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by mrfr0st.
    Thread Starter mrfr0st


    So without waiting for an answer, I wrote the overrides for the plugin classes myself. This adds tags filter support for current plugin version, without changing the plugin code itself (update compatible). Here is the link to the archive:!exdlCSIK!zvxjT8MQni_MqJEQKTbIZqCTJ28L-uMe7qUMKHa51SI

    Extract it in your theme directory. After that in your theme fucntions.php add:
    require_once ‘woo-extra-product-options/override.php’;

    Then correct path in the woo-extra-product-options/override.php at line 10 to suit your theme:

    Also, in the files class-wepof-product-options-frontend.php and class-wepof-product-options-utils.pxp, replace all ‘sterion’ text-domains with the ones you need in your theme to be able to translate error messages with Loco Translate.

    It is clear that if you do everything correctly within the plug-in, then you need to change a number of functions, expanding the list of parameters and adding a list of tags to it. I decided to get by with a minimal set of edits.

    I hope this helps someone, and in the future this functionality will be included in the plug-in by default.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by mrfr0st.

    Also having this issue on some sites with latest Contact Form 4.9.2. When pipes turned on in config, then form’s select options have the same both text & value. When turned off it just shows same text as set in form.

    My temporary solution is:
    1) turn off pipes by adding define('WPCF7_USE_PIPE', false); to your wp-config.php
    2) add this jquery to your theme header/footer or in js files (stripping script tags of course)

    	//Change form with pipes class text & values
    	$('.wpcf7-pipes .wpcf7-form .wpcf7-select option').each(function(index,element) {
    		//split element text by "|" divider
    		var data = element.text.split('|');
    		//replace text and value of option

    3) wrap needed forms with class “wpcf7-pipes” like <div class=”wpcf7-pipes”>YOUR FORM CODE HERE</div>

    Hope this help someone while this bug is not fixed…


    I’m also having this issue on WordPress 3.9.1 and Contact Form 4.9.2. I’m thinking that this is because Flamingo supports only WP 3.8.4.

    Who else got this problems, please share your WP & CF7 versions info.

    Any update coming soon? Or maybe there is some solutions?

    Thank you!

    Well I partially fixed this problem. I’d copied mail header & footer template parts from woocommerce/templates/emails to my theme/woocommerce/emails & just deleted there starting part (html -> body -> div#wrapper). This helped a lot, but there are little vertical space left. I’ve searched the mail source & found that now it adds this before mail content:

    <p><!DOCTYPE html><br />
    <html><br />
    <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><br />

    And this after:

    <p></body><br />

    This is not a valid html, so I suppose that some mail programs may draw this wrong. Also I’m not sure on wich moment this code is added to mail.

    I’m using your great plugin with woocommerce + custom templates plugin (based on faq section). After adding code from above, woocommerce mails now sending with my mail template, but it have some annoying behavior. Plugin gets woocommerce mail template fully includig html/header/body:

    <div id="mailtpl_body">
    <!DOCTYPE html><br />
    <html dir="ltr"><br />
    <head><br />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><br />
    <title></title><br />
    </head><br />
    <body leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0" offset="0"></p>
    <div id="wrapper" dir="ltr" style="background-color: #ffffff; margin: 0; padding: 70px 0 70px 0; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none !important; width: 100%;">

    This lines (2 and next) adds to sent mail very big vertical space. Is it possible to strip this from woocommerce mails? What should I add to functions.php? Thanks in advance!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by mrfr0st. Reason: forgot about code tag not showing html markup :p

    Really liked this plugin because I needed manualy to control in wich forms to poup response & in wich don’t. But disapointed by this double email bug.

    So I fixed it a bit, here is my solution:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    			jQuery('div.wpcf7-response-output').wrap("<div class='response-wrap'></div>");
                jQuery('.wpcf7 form<?php if ( $popup !== 'true' ) { ?>.cf7-rmp<?php } ?> .wpcf7-submit').click(function(event) {
    				response = jQuery(this).closest(".wpcf7 form").find(".wpcf7-response-output");
    				jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function() {
    						'overlayColor'		: '#000',
    						'padding'			: 15,
    						'centerOnScroll'	: true,
    						'content'			: response.html(),

    Put this in “contact-form-7-response-message-popup.php” replacing lines 73-100 with this code above.

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