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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Wordspew refresh

    The solution for the last one was to replace the two rows so it looks like this:

    // @mysql_query(“SET CHARACTER SET ‘utf8′”);
    // @mysql_query(“SET NAMES utf8”);
    $results = $wpdb->get_results(“SET CHARACTER SET ‘utf8′”);
    $results = $wpdb->get_results(“SET NAMES utf8”);
    $results = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM “.$jal_table_prefix.”liveshoutbox ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT “.$jal_number_of_comments);

    I’m not interested in the results, but as not being a real programmer I made a working solution. ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Wordspew refresh

    TA-DA!!!! I found the soultion on a forum.

    My WP lives on an IIS-server. IIS does’nt understand ‘REQUEST_URI’.

    So after replacing all REQUEST_URI with SCRIPT_NAME it started to work.

    Somewhat, atleast. My next concern is to find out why I have to comment out these rows:
    // @mysql_query(“SET CHARACTER SET ‘utf8′”);
    // @mysql_query(“SET NAMES utf8”);

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Wordspew refresh

    Same problem here.
    I installed Wordspew on my WP 2.0.2.
    I have managed to change $user_alias to $user_identity, but more needs to be done.

    Now I try to analyze the JS with alert-boxes. Quite fun. ??
    Sinse the “Latest Message 5 minutes ago” is updated, I think the problem might be the FAT-thing preventing the text to show up. I could gladly live without it.

    Sorry, forget what I wrote two messages up. It works, but they gets logged in with the case they wrote. Not very good, so I made another approach. Find the two lines in wp-login.php:

    if ( $user_login && $user_pass ) {
    $user = new WP_User(0, $user_login);

    Put this line between them:

    $user_login_tmp = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT user_login FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_login LIKE '$user_login'");
    if ( !$user_login_tmp == '' ) $user_login = $user_login_tmp;

    And you might wish to add trim to password and userlogin. When people copy and paste, a space is often at the end.
    $user_login = trim(sanitize_user( $user_login ));
    $user_pass = trim($_POST['pwd']);

    Hopefully this is a “final solution” ??

    Dgold; I have a line “Write nothing here” on my blog. A few people wrote the word nothing there…

    This seems to work for me. The most annoying thing was that it said the password was wrong, when the problem was the username’s case.
    Ver: WP 2.0.2
    File: pluggable-functions.php
    Change line 194(in my case) from: if ( ($already_md5 && md5($login->user_pass) == $password) || ($login->user_login == $username && $login->user_pass == md5($password)) ) {
    to: if ( ($already_md5 && md5($login->user_pass) == $password) || (strtolower($login->user_login) == strtolower($username) && $login->user_pass == md5($password)) ) {

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