Mr. Peri
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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Update Failed: Page not foundSame error:
Update Failed: <!DOCTYPE html> Maintenance Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.Anyone a fix yet?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Shipping options on front-end not showing upThank you for the reply.
As per my 1st post, I already have zones set up with their shipping methods. IT used to work fine until last week or the week before somewhere.
And as mentioned, one of the shipping methods is a free “i will pick it up myself directly from you” method, so no shipping is required, so for that method alone the checkout form is already broken. There are 4 methods on my zone, pickup, send normally to nearest PO Box, send overnight to nearest PO BOX and door to door delivery.
Usually, these methods were all listed on the check-out page and the client could then choose how they would like to get their parcels. But now none of those options are showing. So the client doesn’t have the option to choose how he wants to get his parcel any more.
Plus, even if I do put a full address in the shipping AND billing form, it still doesn’t want me to proceed to the payment method, it keeps telling me that I need to provide an address…Something is seriously fishy here…
The link is if any one wants to have a look and can perhaps provide some insight.
Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] shipping options disappear since update to 2.6.4My problem is a little different yet huge. I see the shipping options and zones and all that in the back-end, but on my front-end no shipping methods are showing. it says shipping will be calculated once an address is entered but even if i do enter an address it gives me an error saying i must enter an address. Plus, one of the shipping methods in my zone is local pick-up, another is post to nearest post office, so no shipping needs to be calculated, only for the door to door stuff. But the customer doesn’t get the options any more. It used to work fine.
Another issue is that, although set to ship every where in the world, the shipping address form doesn’t give me the option to choose a country, no matter what I put my settings on (ship to shop base, geolocate, no predefined address, what ever), nothing gives the customer to choose a place outside of the country my shop is based in.
Tried Woocommerce support and go figure, they are on some business retreat meeting thin until 22 Sept, but i need assistance now, my client’s shop can’t run and function at all right now.
Please can someone help. PLEASE!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Maps - Display Google Maps Perfectly with Ease] Map not workingsorry, link is
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Product Catalog] Product CarouselThe site and page I am busy with is
One of the products with said gallery and missing bullets are For example, under the heading “Suitable for” all those words seperated with commas are supposed to be a bulleted list. Under “Structure features and controls” each sentence is supposed to be a new bullet. On the back end in the product cataogue single product editor it is bulleted, it just doesn’t pull it to the front end.
The Gallery here is how it should look, small thumbnails and when I select a photo it opens a lightbox with a bigger photo. If, however, I need to go and edit this product, the moment I go into the backend single product editor, it throws the gallery setting away and would a the images one below the other but in super bad quality.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Product Catalog] Product CarouselI am on Product Catalogue, then editing the product, at product description I need to ad some bullets and some images.
For bullets I tupy my list, then selct the list and click the Bullets button on the editor provided where I type in the product description. It shows the bullets in the back end, but when I save and refresh my single product view there are no bullets, only all my words next to one another in one long sentence.
For images, I click on the Add Media tab at the top of the block where I ad the produt description in Product Catalogue on the back end of the site, select ad gallery, select y images, ad the gallery. It all shows fine. then I save ad view my product, gallery is there and all is well, BUT, if at a later stage I have to go and edit the product, if Iopen the product editor on the back end of the site, it’s as if it throws away the fact that I added the images as a gallery and only has then in as individual images, so when I save and view my product agan, it completely throws out the images from small thumbnails next to one another to large blurry imges one below the other.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Product Catalog] Product CarouselThanks, this will help.
I notice that the products text box are where I add the description of the product doesn’t function all that well.
For examples, when I add bullets it doesn’t appear on the site’s front end. Also, if I ad media as a gallery, when I save and go into the product late to edit text, the gallery doesn’t appear as a gallery any more but rather as single images throwing the front end completely out from what it looked like before.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Remove "Add to Cart" from only 2 from 23 productsthank you very much for all your help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Checkout Field Manager (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce] Several IssuesIt is in the list on he backend, but doesn’t appear on the actual form. I did not receive a test buy.
Let me know when you regestered an account so I can bump up your user role so you can access the back-end if you need toForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Remove "Add to Cart" from only 2 from 23 productsah…feeling a bit duh now…
Ok, next question, I have 2 products that you can buy sepperatly, but if you were to add thos to specific products into your cart, buying those 2 together gives you a bundle rate. Any idea how to do that? It won’t be an over all coupon or discount on the cart, as it will only be if those 2 specific products re bought together.And what it one of those 2 products is an external product then?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Checkout Field Manager (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce] Several IssuesThanks for the swift reply. If you follow the links I provided you can see the form fields issues I am referring to, the odd spacing, the wrong field names, the missing city, etc. When you hover on Order Now tab and go to the My Account page you’ll be able to register then see the issues on the billing and shipping forms there. Let me know once you have registred, then i’ll bump your role up so you can access the back-end.