Thanks for your suggestions – sorry I don’t know how to quote a post in this forum, but jumbo wrote:
3) the MtViewVirus code (which I use) doesn’t replace anything within the primary index.php file. It uses an entirely separate file. You call it by editing the .htaccess file.
====end quote=====
Maybe I misspoke, but the instructions include the following
Now, create a copy of your index.php file and rename it to arch.php. This will help to preserve the look of your menu, header, footer, etc.
We need to make a few edits…
Add this line above the line $blog=1; at the top of the file.
$posts_per_page = ‘-1’;
====end quote=====
I did not find the line $blog=1; anywhere in the index.php file which is copied to make the arch.php file,so I have not figured out where to add the line.
I’m still struggling with the archives issue – thanks again for your help.