Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Advanced Post List] Finally a good powerful list plugin.Hello,
I just needed a plugin like yours, and I’m really satisfied with in terms of functionnalities. It provides everything you need (or near) to query your post.
But i’m replying to this thread because I havce to say : “Yes! What a crappy ergonomics!” ?? Even if your plugin do the job pretty well, I had to take 20 min of my times by doing different test in order to understand “How” the plugin works. I’m here to help you, because I think with a better UI, your plugin can be more valuable.
A simple example is about the list shortcode : I wondered why the plugin wrote eveytime the result of the query in a single line. I figured it out by adding HTML inside the list shortcode btw. This should be precised at the top of the field. This is like a very little problem regarding ergonomic. There are more unexpected choice for your UI, like the first thing we see when we are in your setting page : we can see one tab for each post type, which is actually not necessary because it charges the UI too much.
Why not provide us, as a first setting, a simple dropdown/checkbox list (with multple selection available) and which will query the post type registered on the wordpress installation. Then, depending of the box checked, you should dynamically display the selected post type tabs. Only by doing this, users will use your plugin with more ease.
I have a lot more to say about a lot of things, but I encourage you to sent me a mail at [email protected] If you want to know my ideas, and have a template files of a more organized UI.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fast Velocity Minify] Lots of warnings in debug modeIn facts it appears randomly, not only when saving post. Can’t precise more.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fast Velocity Minify] Lots of warnings in debug modeHi there,
I’m posting here since there is already a thread for it. I have the exact same issue, and I can have these lines when saving/updating a post/custom post.
PHP Notice: Undefined index: media in /my-path-to/fast-velocity-minify/fvm.php on line 672
I’m using the last version of the best wordpress minifier btw :p
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox - EverlightBox Gallery] Optimisation ideaNo problem, I understand.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox - EverlightBox Gallery] Optimisation ideaHi there,
Any news reguarding this? Are you workind on it, or should I modify the code myself?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Save post issue : I have to save 2 times for the changes to appearWithout knowing why, it’s the global $post which caused the issue. I have reworked my code and it works perfectly :
function remove_accent($chaine=''){ // Liste des caractères accentués et leur valeur de remplacement $accent = array('%C3%80'=>'A','%C3%81'=>'A','%C3%82'=>'A','%C3%83'=>'A','%C3%84'=>'A','%C3%85'=>'A','%C3%A0'=>'a','%C3%A1'=>'a','%C3%A2'=>'a','%C3%A3'=>'a','%C3%A4'=>'a','%C3%A5'=>'a','%C3%92'=>'O','%C3%93'=>'O','%C3%94'=>'O','%C3%95'=>'O','%C3%96'=>'O','%C3%98'=>'O','%C3%B2'=>'o','%C3%B3'=>'o','%C3%B4'=>'o','%C3%B5'=>'o','%C3%B6'=>'o','%C3%B8'=>'o','%C3%88'=>'E','%C3%89'=>'E','%C3%8A'=>'E','%C3%8B'=>'E','%C3%A8'=>'e','%C3%A9'=>'e','%C3%AA'=>'e','%C3%AB'=>'e','%C3%87'=>'C','%C3%A7'=>'c','%C3%8C'=>'I','%C3%8D'=>'I','%C3%8E'=>'I','%C3%8F'=>'I','%C3%AC'=>'i','%C3%AD'=>'i','%C3%AE'=>'i','%C3%AF'=>'i','%C3%99'=>'U','%C3%9A'=>'U','%C3%9B'=>'U','%C3%9C'=>'U','%C3%B9'=>'u','%C3%BA'=>'u','%C3%BB'=>'u','%C3%BC'=>'u','%C3%BF'=>'y','%C3%91'=>'N','%C3%B1'=>'n'); // Conversion des caractères accentués dans un code compatible avec les URLs $chaine = urlencode($chaine); foreach ($accent as $key => $value) { // On parcours le tableau accent grace à une boucle foreach puis on remplace les caractères accentués par leurs équivalents sans accent $chaine = str_replace($key,$value,$chaine); } // On décode la cha?ne d'entrée grace à la commande urldecode return urldecode($chaine); }
function auto_assign_custom_type_terms( $post_id ) { // On reset les termes de cette taxinomie wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, null, 'custom-type' ); // On formate le premier mot du titre $first_word = current(explode(' ', get_the_title( $post_id ))); // Récupération du premier mot du titre $first_word_without_maj = strtolower($first_word); // Suppression des majuscules éventuelles $first_word_totally_formated = remove_accent($first_word_without_maj); // Remplacement d'éventuels caractères accentués en par leurs équivalents non accentués // Valeur par défaut du terme $tax_slug = 'fiche'; // On teste le premier mot switch( $first_word_totally_formated ) { case 'news': $tax_slug = $first_word_totally_formated; break; case 'forum': $tax_slug = $first_word_totally_formated; break; case 'videos': $tax_slug = $first_word_totally_formated; break; } // On ajoute le terme wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $tax_slug, 'custom-type', true ); } add_action( 'save_post', 'auto_assign_custom_type_terms', 10, 3 );
Thank you for the reply.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by moxymore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comments - wpDiscuz] How to add a rating directly in the formAllright, thank you for your answer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fast Velocity Minify] Fast Velocity Minify and plugins folder rename issuePerfect, it is now working as expected. Thank you very much, one more time, for your reactivity.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by moxymore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Dashboard Widgets] Simple, effective, but you miss somethingHi there,
Thank you for this update, but several problems :
– Your widgets dashboard appears at last… when it should be the first in the list.
– Impossible to minimize the tabs (at least you can hide them directly on the wordpress options directly, by unchecking the related checkbox).
– You can replace “another” by “other” in your checkbox “Don’t hide another WordPress default dashboard Widgets”.Regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GD Rating System] Question about a PRO featureHi,
I’m kinda confuse about your own query object VS the standard WP_Query object. I don’t get it. If your plugin can filter ratings by post types and terms, it means it will display a list (ordered) of ratings and where this rating is attached (the post, in order to have a link, isn’t it?).
In addition to this, I need to attach to this list something like the_title(), the_exerpt(), the_thumbnail()… but dynamically via shortcode. I don’t want to put a write a manual query in my php files each times I write an article (because there will be a lot of different queries).
In short, just tell me if it is possible to make an ordered list via shortcode including a post, its related ratings, its thumbnails (and accessorily its exerpt), the overall being filtered with several custom taxonomies.
Version 1.1.6 have fixed the Calc issue. Thank you very much for the fast answer.
PS : Can you add (in a future update) a feature for excluding folders? This can be usefull in some circumstances. The plugin autoptimize do it, so I’m sure yours will be able to do it soon ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Loop broken since 4.6?Allright, I have finally found the issue. If you miss one exerpt, the plugin crash. Any way to prevent this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Loopage BrokenThe taxonomies are unique and, in other words, are only registered one single time (1 taxonomy for 1 CPT).
Then there is no way to achieve what I want, right? Or maybe by registering the taxonomies in all CPT, this can be a trick.
[EDIT] Doesn’t work. This trick worked on another equivalent plugin, but not on yours.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Loopage BrokenIt seems this plugin is broken since 4.6. For my case, I’m just unable to request the [LOOP]. If I do so, it lead to a 500 error.
My post for further explications :