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  • I am having the same problem but with a twist. I can see and use the Add Media buttons just fine in IE6, IE7, and Firefox browsers. My client on the other hand, it’s quit working. I had recently updated plugins, so I went back and disabled the newest versions and re-uploaded the originals. I also deactivated the “sociable” plug in because that was a new one I recently added. This did not fix the problem. Taking things one step at a time, I have also so far swapped out the wp-admin and waiting to hear if that helps her. I don’t understand why if it’s working in my IE7 which is what she’s using, it would not work in hers. Any ideas? Kind of hard to fix something that I can’t duplicate myself.

    I input the correct email addy, but my notifications seem to be delayed by several days. I’d like to receive them as they are posted. The date and time is in the admin –> settings –> general are correct, I just double checked them. Is there a built in delay to sending out the notification? If so, where would I edit this?

    What I do is use php comments to comment out php code, like this:

    Let’s say you wanted to comment this out:

    <div class=”singleinfo”>
    <div class=”category”><?php the_category(‘, ‘); ?></div>

    First I comment out the php tag using php comments so it would look like this:

    <div class=”singleinfo”>
    <div class=”category”><?php /*?><?php the_category(‘, ‘); ?><?php */?> </div>

    Then I comment out the whole thing using html comment tags so it would look like this:

    <!–<div class=”singleinfo”>
    <div class=”category”><?php /*?><?php the_category(‘, ‘); ?><?php */?> </div>

    If I just use html tags, I don’t believe it will comment out properly, so that’s why the 2-step process. Someone more knowledgeable than me may have a simpler way to do this.


    I noticed that this plugin also places the meta description & keywords down quite a ways on the pages, whereby it’s customary to have them up near the top more, like under the title with the rest of the meta tags. I’m not good with php so I don’t want to start messing in the .php file moving things around, thinking if I move them up in the file they’ll show up higher on the page … yes? no? If yes, does anyone know what to move and where to put it so it these two things will sit under the title? Thanks!


    If you have plugins already look in your plugins folder. You should see that each plugin is uploaded to it’s respective folder. You don’t want to just upload the files to “plugins”

    Plugins folder hierarchy should look like this:


    When you unzip a plugin it comes in it’s own a folder. The folder with the plugin files should go into the plugins folder. In this case above I made up a foldername which is plugin1. Plugin1’s files go in the plugins1 folder which sits in the plugins folder which sits in the wp-content folder.

    I just comment out what I don’t need, that way if I ever need it, I just remove the comments code and voila, it’s there for me to use.


    I’d like to know this myself. Those encrypted footers are a bear to work with for me anyway. I did find that you can work with the footer via the css file. I managed to get a bottom border that way.

    I need to get back to getting mine to work. It doesn’t show up either. I read the pdf awhile ago and will go back and read it again. I am wondering however if it will not work w/o photos as in photos REQUIRED for it to function? I’m really interested in getting those bottom boxes working and they’re not.

    Hi Saucehaus,

    What I would do is to make a copy of header.php named headercontact.php. Then change whatever you need to change on headercontact.php. That way all the code is there except for what you want different like maybe a different header pic or something.


    Would you mind posting what fixed your comments? The ability to post comments has disappeared from my site for some reason and I’m trying to track down the problem. Thanks.


    Thread Starter MouseClicks


    UPDATE: I seem to have RB Internal Links working perfectly right now. I wish I could be more specific for you on how I managed to do it but it was pretty much a fluke of luck or something. I deactivated and deleted some plug-ins on one site that I found I wasn’t going to use and after that it began working. My thought is that there was perhaps a conflict between RB Links and one or more plugins.

    When I found that RBIL was working on that site, I went to a second WP site I’m doing and tried the same thing with the same success. It wasn’t even the same plugins that I removed from both sites, they were different.

    The only thing I can suggest to help anyone else having the problem I outlined in my post above, is to try de-activating your plug-ins.

    Hope this helps some of you.


    Your site link is throwing a 404/PAGE NOT FOUND page here.



    You didn’t give any specifics as to how it doesn’t work, that would be helpful info to know.

    I have no clue if the two are related or not. I have TinyMCE Advanced and RB Internal Links plugin installed. The button for RBIL shows up fine for me (I understand it’s not for some people). When I use it, I add the link, click SAVE and the Visual editor page goes blank white leaving me w/just the html page able to be edited. It also throws “Out of Memory at line: 57” pop up windows when I try to access the Visual editor page on a page that has an RBIL link generated in it. I made contact w/the author and he is aware there’s a problem but as of a week or so ago there was no solution or upgraded plugin.


    Are you saying that you want the link in the Admin –> Manage Pages to be different than your viewable site page & permalink?


    Unless I’m misunderstanding, it looks like there is already a response to your question about changing the page name.

    You can change the order of your menu links in Manage Pages. The tedious manual way is to go into each page and set it’s order the Page Order arrow near the bottom of the page.

    A much easier way to do it is to grab one of the page/link order plugins, which makes this process much easier ?? I like “My Page Order” for one.


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