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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: This is an attempt to use a WordPress theme…Well, another quandary:
BlueHost sent me this link to to
It was to tell me “How to host the Primary Domain from a subfolder (.htaccess)”:
I followed those instructions to the letter; then when I got down to using a “Code Editor” to modify the .htacces file, the only coding that would show up is one to modify WordPress coding. (No matter what I did or where I looked, the only .htaccess coding that would show up is a WordPress coding. Seems that is the only .htaccess file in the public_html directory too.) So, I’m really stumped here!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: This is an attempt to use a WordPress theme…Well, I do know I can add html coding to my personal BlueHost pages that take people to sites that are not mine; so it made no sense that I would have to place my sub-domains “inside” my motdaugrnds (newly created folder) just to get any links connecting them all to work. BlueHost telling me I did have to really threw me.
Also, when I created the sub-domains via my BlueHost account, each of the sub-domain “folders” automatically turned up in that public_html directory on the server. Guess a question might be: As I work these sub-domains via the WordPress installed to each of them will all files generated by such work be automatically placed “inside” each of their respective sub-domain folders? Or will automatically generated files turn up in that public_html directory instead?
Guess I’ll find out.
Thanks Lee
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: This is an attempt to use a WordPress theme…Yes, I’ll make a copy of that .htaccess file before I make the modifications. Thanks for reminding me.
Yes all my WordPress sub-domain folders are presently in public_html with all the foders/files/images I created with html coding. (I was thinking of putting all those WP folders into one directory. This means I would have two new folders, one for my primary domain and one for the 4 sub-domains.)
Saying this another way: I was wanting to move my primary domain (created via html) into a new directory placed in that public_html folder. I was wanting to keep all 4 sub-domain folders presently in the public_html directory out of the newly created folder, leaving them where they are in the public_html directory, either singularly or all together in a 2nd newly created folder just for those four. I am wanting hyperlinks connecting the primary domain with all those sub-domains.
BlueHost just sent me a message telling me if I want to place html hyperlinks inside my primary domain that link to the WordPress sub-domains, I will have to move all those sub-domains into the newly created folder along with everything I’ve created via html coding. This means my primary domain as well as all 4 sub-domains would get moved into the newly created folder. I would, then, essentially have the same thing I have now only it would all be in my “motdaugrnds” folder which would be in the public_html foder.
…sigh…isn’t their an easier way? Why on earth do I keep making things so hard?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: This is an attempt to use a WordPress theme…Ah my new friend, you are the voice of reason I definately need. Thank you so much.
I will get my static page to working now and, then, learn how to tie it back to my primary domain.
If I may add another situation:
I contacted BlueHost about setting up my “motdaugrnds” directory inside the public_html directory and an immediate response came sending me over to where it teaches me how to modify the .htaccess file. (I believe you and I discussed this a bit in a different thread.) Well, it sounds clear enough, though I’m a bit intimidated. Will rest my head abit and see if I can get that done soon.I’m wondering if I can leave my “sub-domains” out of that new motdaugrnds folder loose in that public_html directory. These sub-domains all have WordPress connected to them. I would like to put them all in their own directory (inside that public_html directory of course); but maybe I’m getting a bit too technical at this time. Any pros/cons about this would be appreciated.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: This is an attempt to use a WordPress theme…Hello Lee, If I’m understanding correctly, I need to pull up the WordPress Dashboard > pages and write the actual page for later use.
Then I go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Static Front Page and choose the static page I have just written….correct?
Lee Is there a way to remove that “default” navigation bar and place my own texts and hyperlinks there?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: working with WordPressWell, I must admit as soon as I deleted it, I was immediately alarmed because I had not checked to make sure it was the correct one. (I’ll not be so impetuous again!)
All of my domains worked fine except for the “inspirations” one. By this I mean I could get them to come up on the net simply by using their individual URLs and I could get the WordPress login to come up for each of the sub-domains except for the inspirations one. So I called BlueHost and one of their very patient and courteous people checked it out for me, discovering that, when it was created, an index file was inadvertently left out. So he fixed it for me and made sure the WordPress was doing well. (He actually winded up having to re-create that sub-domain and reinstall WordPress, giving me a WP password easier to remember.) So all is working well now.
During my Sabbath hours I’m going to see what I can do with WordPress in that inspirations sub-domain. It is the one that holds the spiritual components of our homestead; so it will be fun to play with during these special hours tonight.
Thanks Lee
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: working with WordPressWell, I went to my BlueHost cPanel > database tools > My SQL databases and found five (5) databases. Thus, believing these were talking about “WordPress” data bases, your assessment that the uninstall I did of WordPress did NOT delete the “WordPress” data base for that (main) domain.
The data bases showing were:
motdaugr – wor1
motdaugr – wor3
motdaugr – wor4
motdaugr – wor5
motdaugr – wor6wor2 was missing and there were no names to identify them as being for my main domain nor any of the 4 sub-domains. Figuring the top one (wor1) was for my main domain, I deleted the data base for that one, getting the message it had been deleted.
Then when I went to pull up my on the internet, it still works fine.
Thanks for letting me know about this.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: working with WordPressWell this is rather confusing. In my above post I did say I had “uninstalled” WordPress from my BlueHost account; that it told me all wp files were being removed and then told me the uninstall was complete.
I did not…not…uninstall (nor delete any wp folders/files) via FileZilla. I don’t know how you both thought I had. Guess my wording was not as clear as I thought it was.
I will run over to the BlueHost cPanel > database tools ? MySQL databases and see if I can better understand what you are saying Lee.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: working with WordPressThanks Lee,
I did go thru my BlueHost account and “uninstalled” WordPress from my main domain. Then I pulled up my domain off the internet and it is running fine.I then pulled up FileZilla and discovered everything connected to that main domain that had an “wp” next to it was gone.
Looks like all is well. ??
I also changed the FTP setup to the SFTP setup within that FileZilla program. ??
My question to you, Lee, is: What do you mean I will have an abandoned database at my BlueHost CP? It is my understanding that WP database was all taken off when I uninstalled WP. As it was uninstalling, I saw where it was “removing files”; and the wp-folders that had once been showing in FileZilla for that domain are now gone. So what data base are you talking about?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: working with WordPressUnderstood! Thank you so much.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: need some information about folders found …This is clear; so I’m starting a different thread to pose my next question. Thank you Brandon for helping with this thread.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Using WordPress in addition to an FTP programThank you Lee. I very much appreciate your honesty while helping me. I will ask BlueHost about these files and about the pros/cons to creating that new motdaugrnds folder and moving WP folders into it.
I suspect those extra files (the ones in my public_html directory yet not showing up in my sub-domain folders) are there because of the initial work I did in trying to work within the WP framewood on that main domain. I ultimately abandoned the idea of using WP to create that main domain, yet I kept WP installed. I will talk with BlueHost about this as well.
It seems practical to me to create the new motdaugrnds folder to hold what I’m not using for that domain, which is the WP program. At any rate, I’ll talk with BlueHost more about this.
Thanks again for being so patient with me. I know I can be exasperating at times; and I’m grateful you stayed with me and helped as you did.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Using WordPress in addition to an FTP programHere are the individual files I found in that public_html directory on the server side of FileZilla. I have no idea how they got there are what they are for. I’m hoping I can delete them in order to clean up a bit. (This list does not include the WP “folders” mentioned above.)
xmlrpc.phpCan I get rid of all this or should I leave some?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Using WordPress in addition to an FTP programESMI, I will do so. Thanks for letting me know.
Lee, To clarify what has been done.
I created my entire main domain using html coding without using anything from WP. All those directories, folders, html files & images are in the public_html directory.
I’ve already created four (4) sub-domains, installed WP on all four and will be using WP to create all of them.
Here is what is now showing up on the server side of my FileZilla program under the public_html directory: (Individual files were also found and are listed innext post.)
(folder with ?) cgi-bin … This is empty at this time
(folder with ?) developing-small-farm … This is one of four sub-domains I want to use WP with.
(folder with ?) education-relationships … This is one of four sub-domains I want to use WP with.
(folder with ?) educational … This is one of my html folders
(folder with ?) farm-sales … This is one of four sub-domains I want to use WP with.
(folder with ?) howitwasalldone … This is one of my html folders
(folder with ?) inspirational … This is one of my html folders
(folder with ?) inspirations … This is one of four sub-domains I want to use WP with.
(folder with ?) wp-admin … I didn’t even open this.
(folder with ?) wp-content … I didn’t even open this.
(folder with ?) wp-includes … I didn’t even open this.When opening each of the 4 sub-domain folders, this is what is in each one: (If I remember correctly, they are all folders with ?)
wp-includesYes, my entire site works fine at this time. I have not put any links to any of the sub-domains and will not do so until they are ready to be linked to. Thus, those will just sit until I learn how to use WP to create them (one store and 3 different types of blogs). Then I’ll add some html coding that will link them to my main domain. (Just heard from BlueHost about this and was told in so many words that a link is a link is a link, i.e. if I create a hyperlink in my html coding to take me to the WP created sub-domain, it will connect to that sub-domain without problems. At least this is my understanding of what BlueHost said in an email today.)
Hopefully, we are on the same page now??
I will be working within the WP program for awhile now to create the contents of each of those four sub-domains. I’m not looking forward to this because of the problems I initially had trying to work within the WP program to develop my main domain. It just got so confusng, I quit and started using my Note Tab Light to create all the content in that main domain, then uploaded it using the FTP FileZilla program. I am hoping I won’t find WP this confusing again.
It was my understanding WP was a user-friendly program and anyone with half a brain could create a workable store and a workable blog with it. I will be finding out as soon as I catch my breath from what you and I have just been thru…whew! (Wishing I had a strong drink!)
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Using WordPress in addition to an FTP programI just sent you two (2) emails responding to this; but will re-iterate here for your possible convenience.
What I’ve done so far and what I want to do is now not only much more clear but can be organized in such a way that keeps my main domain (including the WP files connected to it) separate from the sub-domains, which I want to use WP to create. I am feeling so more relaxed now and quite good. Thank you so much for hanging in with me thru all this turmoil.What you’ve said is still a bit confusing, i.e. “…After moving your
WordPress installation, your public_html would only contain your HTML work and possibly look something like this…” and you go on to list what looks like what is in my public_html now. This is confusing. Isn’t it true that, when I create that new “motdaugrnds” folder, move all my html directories, folders, files & images (plus the WP folders/files) then the public_html directory would have nothing in it except that one new motdaugrdns folder plus the 4 new sub-domain folders? Then when I open the new motdaugrnds folder, it would show all those files you listed in this latest email to me? And when I open each of the sub-domain folders, they would only show what WP
has placed in them thus far?If I’m understanding you correctly now, I should go ahead and create the new “motdaugrnds” folder, placing it into the public_html directory on the FileZilla server. (BlueHost told me to do this from my account and not thru the FileZilla program.) Only instead of moving all the html directories, folders, html files and images into it, I would only move the WP folders/files into it? No, wait, I should place EVERYTHING (all my html work plus all the WP folders/files) into that new motdaugrnds folder? When that motdaugrnds folder is now opened it would contain both what I’ve created PLUS the WP items connected to it and look similar to what you have listed. Is this correct?
I am a bit unclear about what gets moved.
The only thing we have been discussing that I would NOT DO is change the
Question: What I do not know is how you intend to have your HTML work and WordPress interconnected.Answer: I have no real understanding of how to do this. The only thing I can think of is to put some html coding into my html pages that send traffic over to the sub-domains. It would be a simple html hyperlink. I have no idea whether or not that would be recognized by the WP coding in those sub-domain folders.
Question: Do you intend for to always land at your HTML work where WordPress things will then be available? If so, do not make any changes related to .htaccess just yet since the file we have been talking about would need yet some additional modification.
Answer: Yes. I want to always land at my HTML work. Then send traffic from my html work over to the WP things in my sub-domains.