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  • Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Thank you both very much. WordPress has proven to be quite a challenge for me to understand.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    This theme also seems to change at times, i.e. today the youtube hyperlink now showing in the header at the bottom was not showing up. (The “inspirations” link was way over to the left side in that header.) That is why I placed the youtube hyperlink in on the sidebar via a text widget. Now, however, I see the youtube link is showing up in he header at the bottom of the page; so I wind up with 2 links to the same spot. (Seems this theme is determined to make me look like an idiot.

    Even when I use your new link that nicely shows a place for the public to post, the link on the sidebar that returns one back to this same page turns up a page where there is no place to post.

    WPyogi, how do I get that comment on a posting page like you did?

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    DivbyXRo, I did exactly as you suggested; and you can go look for yourself to see what occurred.

    There is still no way for the public to discuss/comment and the “text widget” only put part of that coding on the sidebar.

    Now what?

    I returned and edited the coding you said to place there, replacing it with a typical html coding for such a hyperlink, i.e. with the

    <a href= parenthesis and the regular URL to my primary domain followed by the target_blank thingy and the typical ending of such a hyperlink. It gave me this on that sidebaar:

    My Inspirational Home

    Yeah, this worked! Thank you so much for letting me know about that “text widget”.

    In re-reading your post, I find you changed the coding you had suggested; so guess we’re both still learning, which is just fine. ??

    Now to find out why there is still no way for the public to make comments or have discussions…as that part of what you told me to do didn’t work either.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Thank you Andrew for the url. I’ll go over and check it out.

    WPyogi, I’m coming to that conclusion as well as just spent several hours reading all I could find on the Woothemes.

    As for what isn’t working, I think it is me. I can read about a theme, draw the conclusion that it doesn’t sound that difficult, then start working it (even using tutorials found) and that’s when so much gets confusing. (Example: I spent hours trying to get links onto a side bar only to learn the links were a default for that theme and were contained in the menu which was located in the header. That type of thing makes my head spin. Now maybe that theme actually gave that important piece of information; but I didn’t find it.)

    I am just so concrete that, when a theme tells me to do something without first telling me what I needed to do first in order to make what it was telling me to do work, I get lost! To me that is like constructing some stairs and trying to place the steps on before the foundation.

    All I know to do is continue trying; however, I’m so depressed about it now that I need a break. So I’ll take a few days and work on the roof of my barn, staying away from networking for awhile. Maybe then I can return with more energy.

    I appreciate all the help you people in here have given me. Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Thank you yogi for that piece of information.

    I was looking over the main site for these Woothemes and discovered quite a bit of negative feed back as to support. This is so discouraging.

    I need to set up some type of store to sell about 30 items. If I didn’t need to be able to tald with the buyers or set up a paypal method of payment, I would simply create the store the old fashioned way like I did my primary domain. (I could probably get the PayPal coding on each item for sale; but setting up communication? mmmm thinking of a “message” type page instead of blog. Feeling rather stupid that I could not get one of the free WP themes to function. ??

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Updating what has occurred…

    I managed to get a “motdaugrnds” directory inside the public_html directory with all my primary domain html coding folders/pages/images.

    I was able to create four (4) sub-somains. I have the “Adventure” (free theme) installed in only one of these, i.e. the “” sub-directory.

    I have been able to use html coding inside motdaugrnds directory to send viewers to the sub-domain. (I have not been able to place a link in the WordPress theme to send viewers back to the primary domain. I did find a way to create the link and it did work; however, it never showed up on either the one “static/front/page” nor the one “post” page.

    I worked for several weeks attempting to get this Adventure theme to work for a “blogging” site; and it still isn’t satisfactory. Thus, I’ve let it stand as is until I can purchase a good theme and understand it.

    I am presently looking at the “store” I want in one of my sub-domains and am considering either the WOO “commerce” or “canvass” theme for this. I did find a “markettheme” that looked good and costs less; so am unsure which to purchase. I do want one my technically simple mind can handle. Any information about these themes would be appreciated.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Well, Maybe I should leave things as is. The picture is up; and though I changed the size to the exact size that theme called for, it is still blurred. However, it is there all across the top of the page where I wanted it.

    The “default” menu is housing the 3 links I wanted to show up, i.e. one to my primary domain, one to where people can post about “inspirations” and one to where people can post about “spiritual” matters.

    The text is there, albeit in the middle of wasted white space.

    There is no black footer with unwanted links.

    I know it isn’t a great blogging site; but for my first, maybe not so bad.

    I do need to fix the “inspirations blog” page that menu link takes the viewer to; and I have no idea how to do this. (I had created it exactly like I had the “spiritual blog” page that the menu takes the viewer to, but it didn’t turn out the same. So I have no idea how to fix it.) When I click that “inspirations blog” link and that page comes up there is “nothing found” on it though it does say “ready to publish your first post? and has a link “Get started here.” So I guess I’ll just post there and see what occurs….well I did click that “Get started here” and was taken to a posting page where I put in a title and a message. Then I returned to this “inspirations blog” page to find what I had just created showing up there and a “leave a comment” hyperlink. So seems this page is now working too.

    I may not need to do anything more to the “spiritual blog” page. That page has the words “spiritual blog” as what looks like a “title” in that it is not a link. The “edit” link is under that and a “leave a reply” under that with my email address showing and a comment section. So I’m guessing that page works correctly for others to use to add their posts to this blog page.

    I think I will look around and see if I can find a way to take away all that wasted white space on my static front page. Seems that theme set the page boundaries in which text can appear; and I sure don’t want to mess up what I’ve done already; so maybe I can just add a color to cover all that white, though I don’t like that idea. Still it would be better than the white color.

    I am grateful for the help of each one here. Seems the aesthetics of that Twentytwelve theme showing up prior to choosing it is not the same as how it shows up once chosen, i.e. prior to installing it there was a header, then two columns, then a footer. Once installed, there was a header, only one column, then a footer. Also, if whoever advertised that theme could have given the simple instruction about the default location for menus, that would have saved me a lot of time. Still, I am so grateful someone took the time to create some type of theme framework for people like me to work within.

    Again, thanks to all for your patience and willingness to help.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Thank you so much helping.

    I didn’t know the Twentytwelve theme only permitted one menu and that it showed up in the header under my picture. Guess I didn’t even need to create a menu after all. (Spent the day creating two menus and moving one posts page into each, which seems wasted time now.) I am wondering, since I didn’t create any “menu” at all until today, how was it I had those hyperlinks running across the header part of my site just under the picture?

    Yes, I did find I could add pages to the menu I created today. (I actually created two menus and added one page to each….so I thought.) Yes I did remove several “pages” (items) from one menu that way. As stated above, my creating a menu when there was already one in the header was wasted time for me.

    Adding a “custom link” would be nice. I want one going to my primary domain. I’ll go do as you suggested regarding this.

    I have not found a “categories bar”; so I don’t know how to open a panel where my categories will show up. What you’ve said about “…check whichever categories you want as menu items. Click “add to Menu”. Now those menu item will go to a posts page of those posts.” is confusing to me. Is this on the page where I created a menu and added items/pages? If so, I’ve already done that. All I have to add as items are the two posts pages. I’m not following what you have said about “…Posts > Categories – make sure you assign the categories to whichever posts you want to appear on those posts.” Are you saying to go to Posts > Categories and assign the two posts pages I have? I’m real confused about this and may be getting categories and menus mixed up.

    Apparently, since I can only have one menu in this theme, I need to go in and remove one of the menus I created, set up a category (giving it a name) and put the two posts pages in there. But, since they are hyperlinked under the header, why even create a category? I think I’m confused as to what I actually need to do.

    Thanks, I’ll go over to appearance > widgets and remove the items in the footer…am wondering if that will remove the black area as well…guess I’ll find out.

    Thanks for hanging in with me.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Well, I went over and created two menues. The first was “What inspires you?” I placed this name into the “menu name”, then clicked “save menu”. Then I selected my “Inspirations Blog” page and clicked the “add to menu” button. Then I clicked “save menu”.

    Next I did it all again only with the “menu name” as “What keeps you grounded?” and “save menu”; then selected the page “Spiritual Blog” and “save menu”.

    Then I loaded my page and discovered nothing had changed about it. Neither of these menus showed up. This page still has the 3 hyperlinks just under the picture, the latter unwanted. This page also still has the text in the middle of a white page without any side column showing up. (I did notice a symbol of a magnifying glass on the right side up just under the picture that I did not place there.) Then this page only has what is apparently the “footer”…a black place all across the page with lots of words in it (“Recent comments”, “archives”, “categories” and “meta”). None of these are hyperlinks; however, there are 5 hyperlinks listed under the “meta” (none of which I placed there nor have any idea as to how they would be useful for me), i.e. “site admin”, “log out”, “entries RSS”, “comments RSS” and “”. I doubt I want these available to the public.

    I also went over to read about placing “categories” on my site; and did not find any clear step-by-step instructions as to how to do this as I did with the “menu”. Can anyone give me guidance to continue getting this blog site workable? I’m still only wanting this one blog site to have the static page and two different blog pages hyperlinked that a viewer can choose to post on. Also, I’m still wanting the “what inspires” hyperlink at the top just under the picture to take the viewer to my primary domain of . Also, when the “Inspirations Blog” up there under the picture is clicked, it shows up with “Nothing Found” on it. It was done the same way as the “Spiritual Blog” which shows up with “Spiritual Blog” words on it.

    Sorry I’m having to continue to ask for help. I don’t want to keep bothering people. I do want the WordPress theme to work out; thus, my questions.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Thank you.

    Yes, I’ll double check the size of that picture. I thought I had done that; but I may have uploaded the wrong picture.

    I did not intend to link directly to each post. I only set up two pages to be used for posting, giving them only a title. I actually have not created any individual posts at all. Any post showing was the default “hello” type post, which I keep trying to get rid of.

    Yes, I want two categories, i.e. one for inspirational blogging and one for spiritual blogging. Thus, the hyperlinks would lead to the individual pages that cover these different categories. I don’t understand the menu thing because I thought the categories cover it all. (I will go over and read those links you put in your post about categories and menues.) Seems however, the caegories and menues only show up at the bottom (root), which confuses me as I thought I had two vertical parts instead of the top header, middle and bottom footer.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Sorry, I thought I had given the Url. Here it is.

    Thanks for the infor about copying the theme. Hopefully this time I will do better. (If I mess it up again, I doubt I will try WP theme again as I’ve spent literally hours/days trying to understand and work with them. They sure don’t operate like html pages I create in that, if what I thought I did in html doesn’t turn out the way I had intended, I could toy around with coding and find out what I’ld done wrong. With the WP and my not understanding the type of coding it uses, trying to toy with coding in a theme is simply foolishness for me.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    Well, yes I do want to change the appearance of the posts area. However, that is not all the problematic situations I’m dealing with on this page.

    In visiting my site, you can see the “Inspirations/Blog at the top. It is hyperlinked to take the viewer right back to this same page, not to a place where they can post or discuss. (Putting a hyperlink on any page to take the viewer back to the page they were just on is not being fair to my viewers.)

    Then right under that are the words, “What inspires us?” I have no idea how that got there as it was suppose to be placed on the “blog” page, not this static front page. (Krishma, I did take your suggestion and created two pages, one being the static front page and one being a blank “blog” page. That’s all I’ve done with that blog page as yet.)

    Then directly under that is another hyperlink which takes the reader to my primary domain’s inspirational material. A hyperlink taking viewers to my primary domain and a link taking viewers to where they can post are the only two links I want on my static front page; However, I wanted them on the right side where the categories/menue is suppose to show in this WP theme.

    Then on this same horizontal line is another hyperlink that, again, takes the viewer right back to this same page they are looking at. This link is not needed because, as stated above, I just want two links (one to primary domain and one to blog page).

    Then if you scroll down you see my text on the left side. This worked well; however, there is a place to post at the bottom, which I don’t want on my static page.

    Then on the right side are “recent posts”, “recent comments” (which means the same to me as “recent posts”), “archives” (which I don’t want) “DISCUSSIONS WELCOMED ….” which is fine (if it had the categories/menues under it), “Meta” (which I have no idea what this is), then 5 more hyperlinks.

    The 5 hyperlinks are:
    “Register” … I really don’t want people to have to feel they have to register or be a member of anything to talk here.
    “Entries RSS” … I have no idea what this is nor why I would need it.
    “Comments RSS” … Again, I have no idea what this is nor why I would need it.
    “” … I don’t mind WP advertising their organizatin here as I think it is a reputable organization. However, it is also advertised at the bottom on the left side; so I see no reason to have both.

    I’m confused about why the right side of this theme is there. I thought it was to identify the categories/menue of what could be discussed; that it would have hyperlinks connecting those categories/menues to the blog page. Is this not accurate?

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    The area for “posts” appears at the bottom of this static front page. How do I remove it? How do I get the posts area to appear on the right side of that front page?

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    I want my ‘inspired” static page to be my front page.

    Thread Starter motdaugrnds


    This is what I did:
    Signed into BlueHost account, went to “view my installs” and found the sub-domain WordPress had been installed to. Clicked the “admin..” and got my Dashboard.

    Since I am wanting to create the front/static page for tha sub-domain, I clicked on “pages” > “all pages”. I had “trashed” the sample page and “saved draft” of the static page I’m presently working on; so that page showed up.

    It is called “inspired” and I clicked on it. Here is the way it showed up. As you can see there is a hyperlink at the bottom of the text.

    Then I went to “preview” and this is what showed up. The hyperlink is missing.

    Well I was going to place a couple of pictures here; but I’ll see if I can place the links instead.

    And results showing link was missing is

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