Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Telegram for WP] gravityformsHi
For what? sending a completed forms???? or sending a post that was
created by GF?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] restore password page is blank!Hi Alberto…
Thanks a lot! It was really worked for me without any problem!But there are a little bugs:
1-After removing a short code from a page or deleting a “shortcode-page”, in above section of setting page writhed “Used in Here (linked to that removed page!!!)” still…2-After redirecting from “restore email” to “new password page”, new password is writhed in URL field. This is not very good & safe.
– The new-password is shown once. So, if a user doesn’t change his password, will need to send a new restore-password request.3- If a redirecting field is added to “hide dashbord” setting, this section will be complete.
Thanks again, HAVE A NICE TIME!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] restore password page is blank!I will test it tonight
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] restore password page is blank!It’s a little time consuming…Okay? no problem?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] restore password page is blank!Hi Alberto
excuse me for delay
I checked all of my plugins & hacks and resolved this problem but without using CL, sorry…
results (FOR ME):
1- Clean Login Interfere with Buddypress.
(Generally)It doesn’t allow to “directory member page” showing correctly!
(in details)If “Disable dashboard access for non-admin users” is checked, any of BP buttons doesn’t work.2- “Hidden wp-admin” plugin Interfere with lost password short codes (for Clean Login & Login Widget With Shortcode)
I used “Login Widget With Shortcode + remove-dashboard-access-for-non-admins” (instead of Clean Login) and “rename wp-login.php” with BP.(Hack codes didn’t work properly for me)
You know I love Clean Login and gave it & you 5-stares review and translated it BUT I was forced…
Have a good time, dear Alberto
THANKS & GOOD LUCK!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] restore password page is blank!Hey Alberto excuse me…
The members page not working after disable & remove & purge catch!!It means another plugin causes this issue and makes interferences with BP and CL…
excuse me
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] restore password page is blank!I did this solution (you said it yesterday but didn’t work.
I did it this time again but doesn’t work.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] restore password page is blank!tell you soon…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] restore password page is blank!It seems buddypress prevents or disable any lostpassword form!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] restore password page is blank!Hi again…
It works properly after disable Clean Login…I love its one-step restore-password!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postman SMTP Mailer/Email Log] Google request isn't acceptable!!!!!!!I really tested it 10 hour ago and no need to test it again…
Thanks.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postman SMTP Mailer/Email Log] Google request isn't acceptable!!!!!!!hahaha…
NO, I refuse it.
your plugin and wp mail smtp not worked for me and I use easy mail smtp plugin (also,I can use my gmail account and my password with it)thanks again & sorry…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postman SMTP Mailer/Email Log] Google request isn't acceptable!!!!!!!Thanks for your help but my host client told me all of ports is open and I used my local smtp…
your plugin is very nice and you are a good programmer but sorry… it seems this interfere with another plugin in my site.This problem doesn’t not reduce the value of your work…
Thanks again..
GOOD LUCK!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postman SMTP Mailer/Email Log] Google request isn't acceptable!!!!!!!Test results (for
For 25,587 and 465 ports:
Outbound to Internet= closed
Service Available= no
other items= –For 443 port:
Outbound to Internet= open
Service Available= HTTP/1.0
other items= NoConclusion:
1- Port 443 can be used to send Gmail with the Postman Gmail Extension.
2- Port 25 is blocked. Contact your host for a solution, such as using their local SMTP server or opening the port.
3- Port 587 is blocked. Contact your host for a solution, such as using their local SMTP server or opening the port.
4- Port 465 is blocked. Contact your host for a solution, such as using their local SMTP server or opening the port.Transport: Gmail API
thanks a lot.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postman SMTP Mailer/Email Log] Google request isn't acceptable!!!!!!!Hey!
Thanks but I did them step by step with your great tutorials correctly. but after go to my account permissions by “Request permission from Google” and accept it “by accept button” in:
“……….” (writhed in it:
“By clicking Accept, you allow this app and Google to use your information in accordance with their respective terms of service and privacy policies. You can change this and other Account Permissions at any time.“).but after redirecting to “*********************e&code=*/*********************-*******************”, no changes done.