Forum Replies Created
OK. Sorry for keep updating my questions.
I discovered the ‘Taxonomies options / taxonomies custom title’ which I’ve changed.
So this is fine.But the label ‘categories’ appears for a second or so before my new name appears. Is there a way to stop this?
OK. I’ve just discovered that the styling is a conflict between your plugin styling and the default WP ‘select’ css. (edit: I’ve fixed the spacing and the font and am using twentynineteen as the base theme for my site)
How can I override the WP styles to use your ‘select’ styles?
For example, the gradient in the selection boxes and the dropdown arrows?Thanks again for this.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Morphim.
Thanks again for this but I’m still struggling.
Plugin configuration not included in support.
I wasn’t asking for this for free. You mention a $20 customization service. Can I do this and you help me set this up please?
If so, please let me know how to proceed.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for the reply. I already have ‘self’ set in the settings.
Do I have to have a templete copied to theme/mdf_templates/templete.php?
Can I not just access the default archive?I need to get this to work or will have to look for a different solution.
Can you set it up for me? I’m happy to purchase the plugin even if i do need that functionality.
I just need: Default WP categories displayed with default archive page with filters using shortcode on my page?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for this. I have watched this video but it doesn’t mention mdf_custom and I’m not sure how to configure mdf_custom to just use the defaul WP categories and posts?
This is how my page displays: this shortcode:
[mdf_search_form id=”780″]
[mdf_results_by_ajax shortcode=”mdf_custom post_type=post template=mode-archive orderby=date order=desc page=1 per_page=9 pagination=tb”]I just want my standard post archive to display and be filterable. How?
Also, if i don’t have a ‘template’ specified, it crashed the page and i can’t edit it any more. I have to start again. I just get an error ‘Please set template option in shortcode!’ when I try to view or edit the page.’Genius ??
Thanks so much for this. Now fixed.I really appreciate your time on this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Elementor Parallax] Cause conflict with last ElementorI can confirm the same – …cause Infinity Loading in widgtes panel when edit elementor pages.
The widgets never load.
This is a new install of WP (5.2.2) and current elementor (2.6.8)
These are the only two plugins I have installed with Twenty 19 theme.Thanks if you are able to fix this.
Hi. Apologies for the delay. I had to move on to something else.
I did have the same logo in the retina settings, as well as the regular header logo, at the time of my message above.
However, I think you’ve perhaps sorted this now.
Thanks again for your time and I’m sorry you’ve had such problems with this.
Hi again.
I’ve rolled back to 2.7.3 and can confirm that the header logo now displays and the slide out menu (over content) does indeed slide back out of site when a menu link is clicked.Hopefully this helps you.
Hey, Rui.
Thanks very much for this. Have installed version
However, the header logo isn’t loading. If i switch to ‘text’ in the header, this appears. Switch back to ‘logo’ and the header is blank.Also, the ‘close on click’ still doesn’t work on my anchor links. Is it possible to fix this? What I mean by this is that the menu closes after a menu link is clicked.
Thanks very much again. I’m sure you’re getting a lot of stress from this. I appreciate your hard work.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Morphim.
Have you updated this again since your reply to JakeNZ, as that’s the one I’m using at the moment.
A total clear of everything did indeed fix the overlay / no menu problem. Thanks for that.However, it still doesn’t close on click. I’m sure 2.7.3 did this?
I’m very grateful of you taking the time to address issues on something you provide freely. I send you a virtual coffee : )
I need it the same as this but not for WooCommerce; just standard WP categories.
This isn’t possible at all? With either WOOF or this plugin?Hey @johnogg
You don’t bother updating this in 2 years but pop back up two weeks ago to complain at someone who’s done what you should have. It’s fine that you’re not interested in updating a free plugin. I understand that it’s a lot of work to maintain.
But I think it’s poor to post a reply like this rather than actually making your plugin compatible with the current wordpress.
Well done @JordyMeow
Hi again. Unfortunately, this works to randomise the products and stops duplications on paginated pages but the seed isn’t refreshing after an hour (or after any time)
I’m guessing this is something to do with the random pagination plugin or it’s function with WOOF.Is it possible to add the random seed time limit to WOOF at all?
I guess it’s this code (there might be more?) I’m no coder.if(false===($seed = get_transient('do2_randSeed'))){ $seed = rand(); set_transient('do2_randSeed', $seed, 3600 ); }
Thanks again inadvance
Hey. Thanks very much for this. I really appreciate it.
Initial tests seem good : )To be used in conjunction with this plugin:
Which provides a random sorting order to products in WooCommerce and eliminates duplicate products in pagination. It does this by caching the random seed for one hour. This obviously doesn’t carry over to WOOF, which has it’s own random order. So …For anyone else, add
case 'random_order': break;
to the index.php file of WOOF plugin (**remember this will be overwritten in any update)
Around line 1882, like this:switch ($orderby) { case 'random_order': break; case 'price-desc': $orderby = "meta_value_num {$wpdb->posts}.ID"; $order = 'DESC'; $meta_key = '_price'; break;
Then, within the WOOF shortcode on your page, add something like this:
[woof is_ajax=1 taxonomies=product_cat:96]
[woof_products taxonomies=product_cat:96 orderby=random_order per_page=24 ]This will only display category 96 (or whatever cat number(s) you specify.
Then the woof_products shortcode uses the random order set by the other plugin and only displays 24 products per page. Then, the same random seed is used for any subsequent paginated pages. After an hour, the randomness with change on page refresh for another hour.Thanks for an excellent plugin and great help. I appreciate your time. Cheers
- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Morphim.