Forum Replies Created
Thanks Bryle. Appreciated.
On the “Tags” and “Terms” direct links ONLY the categories that are linked to that “Tag” or “Term” should show. Not all Caegories with ZERO count.
Should work the same as I said the Category direct link works. Shows ONLY categories with a COUNT.
Here are the links again: The “Tag” and “Term Page should only show Category “De-Alcoholised and NONE of the empty Categories.
Works 100%: CATEGORY “De-Alcoholised”:
Need to only show “De-alcoholised” Category: TAG “Lautus Wines”:
Need to only show “De-alcoholised” Category: TAG “Lautus Wines”:ATTRIBUTE TERM “VINTAGE” = “2018”:
Thank you.
1. Resolved.
2. Resolved.
3. Any solution here?
4. Will definitely consider paid option if I can get above to work.Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] SEO fields on Single Event PostThank you for the response.
I am using Yoast SEO, but still need the meta field names to enter into Yoast Meta Boxes.
For an event I want to use the following SEO Title:
%%title%% @ “Venue” %%sep%% Organised by “Organiser” %%sep%% %%sitename%%
So need the “Venue” and “Organizer” meta fields.
Thank you.
1. I use the sidebar widget, not the short code, and don’t see an option to set the logic to “AND”?
2. Online Shop View: When I click on CATEGORY “De-Alcoholised” it filters to the correct products, but the SUB-CATEGORIES have a count of ZERO which is not correct. See here –
3. Product Category View: Filters correctly and only shows the SUB-CATEGORIES of the MAIN CATEGORY. Example: Category = “De-Alcoholised”. The same filter functionality should apply to the PRODUCT TAG view and the PRODUCT ATTRIBUTE TERMS view, which currently shows ALL CATEGORIES instead of the filtered view as in the CATEGORY view. Please see here:
CATEGORY “De-Alcoholised”:
TAG “Lautus Wines”:
4. Last question: Is it possible for the dropdowns to only show valid selections based on the current filter, i.e. If CATEGORY “De-Alcoholised” is chosen, it should only show “Lautus Wines” in the dropdown filter “The Estate” in stead of listing all tags not applicable to this filter as well. It becomes a big issue if you have several values in your dropdown such as the “From Region” dropdown filter.
Thank you in advance.