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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pagination and WP_QueryUpdate: I understand that changing the ‘paged’/’page’ variable in my query_args is causing the proper posts to appear FOR THAT PAGE.
I’m just trying to figure out why it’s not being applied in my nav links…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] Import only importing posts up to the end of the year?I actually think I may have figured it out. This has to do with PHP’s configuration on my server.
I ended up going for that! I had seen a lot of other suggestions for it too.
Thanks a ton, Scott ??
Glad you got it solved, but it should be worth noting that (if I recall correctly) the array returned contains three values:
[0] => guid (the URL pointing to this image)
[1] => Width of image
[2[ => Height of imageNevermind! Found it.
I had to enable roles and capabilities through settings in order to give the editor specific pods permissions.
Thanks! ??
One more thing, I’m unable to get the custom settings form to appear for Editor roles on their WordPress UI.
It would seem it only appears for administrators.
And I’ve tried allowing editors through restrict access by role, but that didn’t change a thing.Is there some sort of core file I’m going to have to change to allow editors to view the Custom settings pod I’ve made?
Okay. So it was get_option that I was looking for. I apologize for the ruckus I caused!
I managed to get it working, NOW I understand that the syntax is podname_fieldnameinside pod, so I shouldn’t have this problem again.
so since the pod name was royal_slider_articles and the field was posts, get_option(‘royal_slider_articles_posts’) returns the array you’re talking about.
Thanks again, Scott.
I’m appreciative that Pods plays so nicely with the WP-core.To shet some more light on this, within the custom settings page, I’ve made a field called ‘posts’
I could call it something else, but this is a field in the custom settings page pod.
I still can’t find any documentation on how to output just the posts that are checked, and whenever I run fetch on the custom settings page and have it output ‘hello’ under the while(fetch()) loop. but it just outputs ‘hello’ indefinitely, and php times out. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] Calling specific image sizeThis might be helpful:
I’m unsure if your services is an extension of post, but I see that you have an ID, You could use the ID and then specify the size of the image that gets displayed with the second parameter of wp_get_attachment_image_src.
Hope this helps!
If not, then I hope you find a solution soon!No rush! I’m just glad someone got back to me!
Any help you can give will be miraculous compared to the lack of things I’m finding with Google searches and Pods Docs!
To further explain, I’m trying to pull post data for the posts that are checkmarked:
I guess my issue is that I have no idea what to look for with checkboxes. I understand I want to look for posts that are checked (probably through the use of looking for a boolean?), but I actually want to know is it POSSIBLE to obtain the post ID and subsequently the data associated based off of that custom settings Pod?
Okay, so my understanding of this is that since I’m querying posts with a pods function, the ‘t.’ is syntax to select from the database, and we’re selecting the post_date field in DESC order, so newer posts first.
Limit is just how many records are returned, correct? so if I had limit set to 2, it would return the two most recent posts that had the ‘next_big_thing’ checked?
And then the ‘where’ field is just a part of an SQL query that looks for the value of 1 in the next big thing attribute?
You can go ahead and mark this as resolved, it fixed the issue, but I wanted to make sure I understand whats happening here so I can document it and better work with pods in the future.
Thanks, Scott. You’re a hero!
Much obliged!
I appreciate the help. I did finally manage to get it figured out, though.
Apparently <? $ph = get_user_meta( $curauth->ID, pretty_photo, 1 ); ?>
Worked in displaying the image with a prior version of pods, but I felt like an idiot when I changed ‘1’ to true, because that solved the problem when I was trying to fix the image display after pods updated.
It’s still curious behavior, though. I’m wondering why that WP function worked earlier, when it’s actually specified that the parameter input is ‘true’.
Anyways, I do appreciate your help when I came onto IRC. You can flag this as resolved, because everything is DOIN’ ALRIGHT!