Forum Replies Created
@yalet, awesome! Very helpful!
Another bit of info about why this happens:
Items are stored in JSON format. Inside the JSON are strings with a character count. When you rename the domain, if the domain name has a different number of characters than what you are replacing it with, the character count in the JSON won’t match the string it represents. That is why the issues occur. This isn’t just with NextGEN Gallery, but with a lot of WP Core and Plugin content storage.FIXED IT!
It was definitely the SQL.
Here is what I recommend:
1) Re-export the SQl file.
2) Open in Notepad++ or whatever you like.
3) go to the INSERT statement for ‘wp_options’ to the first key (‘siteurl’). You can probably just do a find for ‘siteurl’ and go right there. Change that line to your dev env’s URL.
4) Still inside the ‘wp_options’ statement, go down to ‘home’. Change that to your dev env’s URL.
5) do a search for // and replace it with //
6) Save and import into empty DBOther than a few widgets needing updating, everything worked nicely. Will there still be refs to the live site? Yes, but they are unimportant, as they will not affect functionality (most likely) and will have to be set back to the live site URL when you are done, anyway.
Hope this helped!
I did pretty much the same thing. Even using Notepad++. ??
I am also 100% positive that it is a problem in the DB, and that when we did the replace, it screws up something with NextGen Gallery.
I had the previous dev version which worked fine. When I switched that directory with the newer codebase, and back, the same issue occurred no matter what codebase was used. That is because they all used the same DB. So I’m guessing how we did the replace is the issue. I’ll let you know more as details unfold.I know you are busy, but could you let me know some things on how you performed the migration?
Was the live site on linux and the dev site Windows?
Did you perform any DB operations on the .sql file before importing it into your MySQL db? If so, which? DNS related?Thanks.
I’ll let you know if I find anything.
Also, do you get an error if you go to the “Other Options” menu item under “Gallery” in your WP Admin?
I get:
...\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-gallery\products\photocrati_nextgen\modules\nextgen_other_options\image_options_tab.php is not a valid MVC template
I’ve just tried the same thing and I have EXACTLY the same issue. Did you get it working?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front-end Editor] save_post equivalent when saving a fieldFor those of you interested
function functionname($meta_id, $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value) { ... } add_action( 'updated_post_meta', 'functionname', 10, 4 );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front-end Editor] save_post equivalent when saving a fieldNevermind. I discovered the ‘updated_post_meta’ action. All good!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [amr shortcode any widget] Text widget not foundSorry to bother you again. I’m having the same issue as before, but this time I’m doing id=text-8 and it still isn’t working.
1. Installed and activated the plug-in
2. Dragged a text widget to the Widgets for Shortcodes sidebar
3. Added some text into the text widget.
4. Forced a debug to get a list of the widget ids.Sidebar: widgets_for_shortcodes: Widgets for Shortcodes has widgets: text-8
5. Inside my PHP template, tried:
do_shortcode('[do_widget id=text-8]');
and saved the PHP.
6. Reloaded my page. Nothing gets displayed.Really sorry about contacting you again. I know your widget is super simple to use, and like everyone else, I love it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7 Datepicker] Button TriggerI just implemented a ‘Button Trigger’ and ‘Button URL’ option into my local version of the svn repo. Probably needs refinement, but it does the trick.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [amr shortcode any widget] Text widget not foundAwesome! Thank you. I knew it must’ve been something simple.