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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] Gallery Missing?The galleries are missing on the front and backend. The images are still at /wp-content/uploads/photo-gallery
We have not uninstalled the plugin. It is updated to Version 2.5.41Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Count Plus] Pinterest Counter ?How? I don’t see an option to upload your own image and link as part of it. I am using this as part of the newspaper theme, but I don’t see it in the standalone plugin either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Count Plus] Pinterest Counter ?Can you just make the option to have the pinterest icon that will allow people to follow, and just not have the number of followers displayed?
I got the same thing too. It’s the blank “Deny from” that is the issue. The plugin is not checking the $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] value to make sure it was valid before adding it to the .htaccess file.
I have attacks on my site coming in with no IP. So if one of those gets blocked, it does no IP deny from, which blocks everyone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Limit Login Attempts email addressI meant to post this on a plugin.
What would be the benefit to using SharePress over a free solution like SFC? I have a network of sites, so I would need to buy the $120 version, which seems like a lot for a plugin that has free competitors. Can you give me an idea of what the top notable difference would be and why this plugin would be a better option? Thanks so much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Music Playlist Popup from sidebarIn case anyone searches for something like this…I used the XSPF Player plugin and then made a popup page for the player.