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  • Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    Worked. Thank you!

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    I’m using firebug. That’s how I found the #primary code. I just can’t seem to figure out what is causing the shift. Thanks.

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    It did reset the htaccess and old login works now. I can’t thank you enough!

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    That worked. Thank you! I could tell it was redirecting but didn’t know why. If I delete the plugin, will my login go back to normal?

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


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    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    Yes. Both

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    Good suggestion. I have done that before, but didn’t want to go through the trouble. I guess I will have to. Thanks again for all of your help.

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    I am trying to use the same domain in two places. I guess I will have to try and figure out a work-around for the time being.

    Thank you both for your input.

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    Thanks DesignLoud.

    I moved the domiain and installed the new site from a backup a couple of weeks ago. I’m pretty certain that everything is set.

    The same thing happens when I try to login to her old site. I use the same “old” login and login address and it redirects to the new site.

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    It’s not actually a plugin. It’s called Ecommerce Templates. They were the ones that told me about changing the logo path.

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    ok. Thanks for the link.

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    That worked! Thanks!!

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    So I renamed my plugins folder and I can login with no errors. How do I go about fixing the problem to reactivate plugins?

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    No I haven’t. Is there a link with directions?

    Thread Starter MaryJo Moore


    Thanks WPyogi. I changed the content to “none” and it worked perfectly.

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