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Thanks, if I feel brave enough to deal with disappointment if it doesn’t work, I shall try this.
Thanks Speedrider, at last someone has suggested something useful! I hope it works for suffusion.
I couldn’t find the code, I decided it wasn’t worth the effort to go looking for it, the instructions didn’t help, I got no useful replies to my forum question, so I just settled for using suffusion’s/wordpress’s default method for pagination.
I would still like to understand the instructions for using pagenavi, I’m annoyed that they make no sense to me, I wasted a lot of time trying to understand them.
Maybe if you post a similar question to mine you will have more luck. I had to give up, personally.
Great, but unfortunately I still don’t understand where I’m supposed to look for “<?php wp_link_pages( … ); ?>” etc.
Can anyone please explain the instructions on how to do multipart pages in more depth? Or point me to a video/ tutorial on how to do this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: link to page not working, suffusion 4.0.01Well, it seems I ticked ‘do not link to this page in navigation’ by accident. Don’t remember doing that. Oh well.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change element size in suffusionThanks, I believe we have spoken on there a couple of times! I didn’t know which forum to choose, it was an arbitrary choice…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change element size in suffusionOkay thanks,
That sounds very sensible!
I assume that the ‘follow me’ widget just acts as a group of hyperlinks? ie they all just send you to the facebook page’s URL or whatever when clicked? If so, then I can manage a text widget, I think…I hope.
I did try rewriting some of the php in suffusion php, just to see what would happen. Nothing happened, so I changed it back. Time to learn PHP I think.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change element size in suffusionOk, thanks, When you say code, would that be some PHP? My main confusion at the moment is that I’m only used to html and css,so how would I go about tracking the bit of code down?
My own (boringly exhaustive) search of the php documents has turned up some instances of the number 48, I will post the line numbers at some point, if I’m still clueless…Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change nav button width to container widthThis seems to have sorted it out. I’d added this into the code a while back, after pearluvsapple’s reply.
.suf-flat-widget {
margin: 0px 0px;
}but that didn’t do it for some reason.
.suf-flat-widget ul li {
padding-left: 0;
}places the button text too close to the edge of the button, so I took that off again.
Problem solved, I’d say.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change nav button width to container widthI have done something that sort of acheives what I wanted, but I still want to understand how to make that 18px width difference go away.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change nav button width to container widthstill not getting it…
When I inspect the first nav button in chrome, this flicks briefly up on screen, so I have to hit ‘prt scr’ and paste it to photoshop to read it:) 142px x 43px
I’m guessing this piece of html is generated with php, so how I’d go about changing the values for width I don’t know (only just met php), and whether I should is another matter, as it may not display properly on a smaller screen , for instance. That’s guesswork, so I may be wrong.
Can anyone suggest how I should change the value of the width to equal the width of the container? The container is currently 160px wide, it seems that the width of the nav buttons is always 18 px less than the container.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change nav button width to container widthMaybe I can put an image of what I want it to look like in the blog’s content, so you can see it there…Yes! That should explain what I’m after!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change nav button width to container widthThanks pearluvsapple, I feel encouraged now!
But still I can’t find the CSS that controls the width of my nav buttons. I’ve got a gray border around them (which I hoped would butt up against the gray wrapper background that’s outside the red container), and they are still sitting in the container which is still wider than the buttons.
Have a look at the CSS, you’ll see what I attempted to do, anyway. I think it was what you suggested.
I put in
.suf-flat-widget {
margin: 0px 0px;
and made the other container background gray to lose it visually.But I’m not sure that the nav bars belong to ‘suf-flat-widget’. Am I looking at the wrong class of objects?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: how to change calender widget text color?Right, I got that. Or do I mean, left, I got that:)
thanks!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: how to change calender widget text color?it says ‘Institute of Chairmen on Flickr’. It’s the title text color/ size/weight I’m hoping to be able to change. Slightly embarrassed that I can’t find something in Suffusion options to do that with, it’s probably there.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change nav button width to container widthNo, sorry, I wasn’t all that specific I think. It’s the side nav bar buttons; they sit inside a container that’s white. I had thought of making the container the same color as the nav buttons, but that didn’t look so good. But I think making the buttons span the whole width of the container would do it.
And yes, I have a lot of new CSS… I’m not used to using templates/themes, I like to be able to tweak things visually; I’m hoping it will end up not looking like a WP blog in the end! I’m tied to using the theme and WP generally, not my decision, although definitely not a bad one.