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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Map Shortcode] Need to double the shortcode for my maps to show upBy the way you can see it live here (2nd map)
ThanksBy the way
You can see it live here (2nd map)
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Geo] markers not showing anymore after update to WordPress 3.5I use the standard wordpress posts and categories
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Geo] markers not showing anymore after update to WordPress 3.5I trigger the global map from my index file through a php template.
<?php if (is_page(996)) { ?><div style="align:center;text-align:center;"> <p>Retrouvez tous nos bons plans en un clin d'oeil sur notre carte des bons plans à Paris !</p> <?php wpgeo_map(array( 'category' => '260,261,286,272,210,365,370,327,271,197,198', 'height' => '600', 'width' => '732' )); ?> <?php } ?>
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Geo] markers not showing anymore after update to WordPress 3.5Oh actually you were right ! Thank you so much ??
I have just changed the name of the marker identifier from Visite-guidee to Visiteguidee and somehow it affected all of my markers.I now can see my other markers such as on the page
However I still have one issue : my global mash-up map ( which is supposed to display all of my custom markers somehow only displays one of them and the map doesn’t appear. Any idea why ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Geo] markers not showing anymore after update to WordPress 3.5Actually I have a total of 24 custom markers and visite-guidee is actually the only one with a hyphen.
Here is the list of all my custom marker identifiers :
Panorama, Sauna, Billeterie, Cinema, Coiffeur, Concerts, Danse, Hammam, Microphone, Panorama, Pharmacie, Photo, Piqueniqueapero, Poste ,Recup ,Remiseenforme ,Restaurants ,Roller ,Shopping , Spectacles, Sumocatch, Velo, Vin, Visite-guidee.The problem is that the issue applies to all of them (and I think even the standard default markers)
Here is an example of a custom marker that doesn’t have any hyphen or underscore that still doesn’t appear on the map
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Geo] markers not showing anymore after update to WordPress 3.5I don’t understand why the icon is defined is “wp-geo_Visite-guidee”
Here is what I have added to my theme’s functions.php for all of my custom markers :$markers[] = new WPGeo_Marker(
‘Visite-guidee’, // Identifier
‘Visite-guidee’, // Icon name
”, // Icon description
30, 40, 10, 34, // width, height, anchorx, anchor y
‘/wp-content/upload/markers/!!Visite-guidee.png’, // Icon image
” // Icon shadow image
);Most of my “icon names” and “identifiers” don’t have any hyphens or underscore. Would it be possible that somehow “wpgeo_icon_” would be automatically added prior to the “icon names” and “identifiers” I give ?
If so, would you know how to change that ?What is weird though is that for months, with the same identifiers and icon names my markers had not issue appearing. I can’t understand why suddenly this has changed…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Geo] markers not showing anymore after update to WordPress 3.5Hello Ben and first of all thank you for your help.
Not at all. I haven’t modified anything since I posted the thread. I still have the issue across at least 3 different browsers (safari, chrome, firefox) and 3 different devices (Galaxy S smartphone, Google Nexus 7 tablet and Mac OS X). What was your device and browser configuration when you could see the markers ?I just can’t believe there is no way to tweak that. This non-stop scrolling after a click just doesn’t make any sense. Isn’t there one line that I could modify on the plugin code so that I deactivate the scrolling once the click is over ? Couldn’t I achieve that with properties such as mouseout or mouseleave ?
Indeed I now use another plugin as the comprehensive google map was way too slow for me. However my new plugin is far from being perfect and I would be more than happy to get back to the comprehensive google map plugin if it could load much faster. Any idea on how to solve this issue ?