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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] How to login, register and logout user?What? That’s this plugin. You posted a link to the github repository.
With the user controller I wrote above there’s no way to do both at the same time. You are free to add that functionality in and send me the patch?
As setting custom fields search this forum. I don’t have the time to find it right now but there’s a patch that allows you to set the value. Here is the code you need to add.
In models/post.php after this code:
if (isset($wp_values['ID'])) { $this->id = wp_update_post($wp_values); } else { $this->id = wp_insert_post($wp_values); }
// add custom fields if ( !empty($values["custom"]) ) { foreach ($values["custom"] as $metakey => $metavalue) { update_post_meta($this->id,$metakey, $metavalue); } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] How to login, register and logout user?FYI I’ve uploaded the project to github to make it easier to work on, Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] How to login, register and logout user?You can’t do both at the same time. You will have to log in first.
The data that you include in the URL is called query data and is part of a GET method type. For login you must send the login information with a POST method type. I’m not sure what you would change to make it work in cURL but the URL would be “” and then you’d pass the login info via post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] Get list of post titlesThat did it. Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] How to login, register and logout user?Sure. You will want to go through documentation on the main plugin to get a feel for how it works. Once you do that the following will make more sense.
BTW I’m only a beginner at curl but I’ll try to give you a few examples.
The main thing is to know what information to pass to the API. It will either be all in a GET request (in the URL query) or if more info is needed, in the POST data.
When making a call the Query is appended to the URL to your WP install. So, if your site is at then the query would be appended as, “”.
?json=user/loginThe POST information should include:
log = string
pwd = string
rememberme = true or falseREGISTER
?json=user/registerPOST data:
username = string
email = stringLOST PASSWORD
?json=user/lost_passwordPOST data:
?json=user/reset_password&action=resetpass&key=” + key + “&login=” + usernamePOST data:
pass1 = string
pass2 = stringThe user would have received the key in an email when they lost their password or registered for the first time. You must then include their new password in the post.
?json=user/logout”IS USER LOGGED IN
?json=user/is_user_logged_in”GET LOGGED IN USER
?json=user/get_logged_in_user”CHANGING THE EMAIL ADDRESS SENT TO THE USER
When you reset your password or register you or your user receive an email from “[email protected]”. You can change by uncommenting the lines at the top of the User controller and filling them in with the email and name you want to use. You may have to actually create that mailbox on your server depending on your host./** changing default wordpress email settings. uncomment to set your own email */
add_filter(‘wp_mail_from’, ‘new_mail_from’);
add_filter(‘wp_mail_from_name’, ‘new_mail_from_name’);function new_mail_from($old) {
return ‘[email protected]’;
function new_mail_from_name($old) {
return ‘Your Site’;
}It would be nice to have this on the settings page but I ran out of time and you would have to modify the main class which I want to avoid since it is out of my control.
NOTE: Of course, if your site uses HTTPS rather than HTTP then make your calls are using that.
Also, when logging in, WordPress creates a set of authentication cookies. I’m not sure if curl supports cookies so it may or may not work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] How to login, register and logout user?I’ve created a pastebin here. I’ve tested it and it has worked for me. Your mileage may vary. Please post your comments or suggestions. Hopefully it will be integrated into the main branch and if need be, we can work out any bugs. It doesn’t support multisite (didn’t have time) so that’s one thing that can be done.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] How to login, register and logout user?I’ve created an authentication class to do this. I’ve sent it to the plug-in author rather than post it here since it is quite long. If anyone would like it I can post it here or email it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] HMTL login page using mattberg's auth extension?Have you figured out how to login or register users?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] JSON API doesn't work with more than 10 commentsI visited those pages and I think it could be multiple issues so I’ll suggest a few things. I’ve had other plug-ins interfering with the output before so I would disable them one by one and see if it fixes anything. It also looks like you are using fancy URL’s, (so “” versus “”. There is a different syntax for fancy URLs, see Also, visit the JSON-API plug-in page and see if there is a option to enable fancy URLs. You can also check the path you should use for your site. I don’t use them myself. You could also try accessing the post by query string even with fancy URLS. So for example, use, “/?p=200&json=1” but replace 200 with the id of your blog post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] JSON API doesn't work with more than 10 commentsYou may need to add count=100 or whatever you choose as your max number of comments.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] Update Custom Fields of PostIt matters where you add the code so I’m updating this reply.
In the models/post.php in the save() method after this code:
if (isset($wp_values['ID'])) { $this->id = wp_update_post($wp_values); } else { $this->id = wp_insert_post($wp_values); }
add this code:
// support for custom fields if ( !empty($values["custom"]) ) { foreach ($values["custom"] as $metakey => $metavalue) { update_post_meta($this->id,$metakey, $metavalue); } }
Then instead of “&name=value” submit the form , “custom[name]=value”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] Get all posts by author including draftsI found the way to get posts by author in the get_author_posts” method. IE, “?json=get_author_posts&id=2”. It doesn’t include drafts posts though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] Update Custom Fields of PostI’ve been using the last solution on this page,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSON API] Add attachment to create_postThis page and the page linked on it have information that I’ve used to get it to work. I’ve since changed the code so no code example.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Search by forumThere are two entities we are talking about here, and is a commercial enterprise owned by Automattic, a company started by the founding developer of WordPress and staffed by full-time developers, designers, and support engineers. Automatticians (employees of Automattic) regularly contribute back to the WordPress software so that the entire community can benefit.
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BTW I hope my last reply is not taken wrong. I’m frustrated that it seems the developers of WordPress are not on this site. Features and tickets seem to go into a black hole from my perspective. I’m hoping by mentioning my dissatisfaction that something will change. That there will be more communication and more accountability. In the projects I’ve worked on if you had an issue you could go vote for it and in some cases you could work on it yourself.