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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Invalid XHTML with image gallery WordPress 2.6That’s the plugin that I had seen. However the questions still stand -it would be nice for the output from the gallery to be valid code. Is there a reason why this isn’t the case with 2.6.1 – and is this going to be corrected in the next update to WordPress?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Invalid XHTML with image gallery WordPress 2.6I have seen a plugin that sorts out the invalid XHTML. However it would be nice for the output from the gallery to be valid code. Is there a reason why this isn’t the case with 2.6.1 – and is this going to be corrected in the next update to WordPress?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need Help – What’s All This?It looks like you’re probably copying & pasting from MS Word or other MS program.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: switching between visual and code editor strips htmlNot found that problem myself, I’ve been able to use the HTML option and then switch back to Visual.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Require password when you access a blog?It’s not the server root you would have .htpasswd – it’s the folder in which wordpress is uploaded.
Never had that problem myself, not being able to have both .htaccess and .htpasswd files on webhosting. I would have thought that if a .htaccess file can be placed on the server, which happens with wordpress, then a .htpasswd file shouldn’t be a problem?
Having this approach I mention also takes it away from wordpress, meaning when the plugin is disabled for example (i.e. upgrading wordpress or plugin) there is still the user/pass protection, and this approach also doesn’t rely on cookies.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Require password when you access a blog?You could use a .htpasswd approach rather than a wordpress plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: my hyperlinks are in different colours in firefoxNot without any useful information.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: firefox vs IEForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gallery comments – turning them offThe individual photos of the gallery/ies already appear in an image.php file. But if I remove the tag that calls for comments, then people can’t leave comments.
I don’t want it to be either all no comments, or all comments. I am looking to be able to choose when comments can be left, or can’t be left, just like in the parent post – the ability to turn off (or on) comments in a gallery.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gallery comments – turning them offUsing that approach, how would you turn ON comments for the photos within a gallery? The issue is with turning comments off (and on if you follow that approach) for individual photos in a gallery, or rather a whole gallery. The parent post is no problem with turning comments on & off, however the problem I’m talking about is with turning comments off in a gallery.
If you turn off the comments of the parent post, then gallery comments remain on – I would like for people to have the ability to comment on the individual photos, however I am also looking for the ability to turn off comments on some galleries (e.g. when the post has been there for a while, or when I don’t wish for comments availability).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gallery comments – turning them offAnybody at all?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: question about the conditional tag: if (is_attachment)Ok, I think I understand more of what you’re looking for after reading your original post again – it’s the category of the parent post. Sorry I can’t try to help any further, I wasn’t sure how to do this either when I tried to do something with the parent category of an image within a [gallery].
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: question about the conditional tag: if (is_attachment)Have you tried
<?php if (is_attachment ('category=10') ) { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/francesidebar.php'); } ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar not showing up in IE, Works fine in other browsers.If you move the sidebar info within the html above the main blog bit, then it works in IE7 & FF3 – that is everything from <div id=”Sidebar”> to </div><!– end #Sidebar –> is moved to above <div id=”center”>.
However you need to check your HTML with the validator (you can also check CSS here)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why does dashboard think I have latest version when I dont?This happened to me as well – one of my two didn’t recognise there was a newer version whereas the other one did! Left it overnight, and then today it said there was a newer version.