Moin Uddin Ahmed
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Is this Doable with No Coding?You have to use your COl css classes properly if you don’t want to use CSS.
If you want to use Css, then use this:
.storefront-primary-navigation > .col-full { max-width: 100%; } ul#site-header-cart { text-align: right; } ul#site-header-cart li { display: inline-block; margin: 0 20px; } ul#site-header-cart span.woocommerce-Price-amount.amount {} ul#site-header-cart span.count { padding-right: 10px; }
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Beitr?ge auf verschiedenen Unterseiten erstellenEs tut mir leid, aber es ist nicht m?glich, in WordPress einen Beitrag einer bestimmten Seite zuzuweisen. Beitr?ge werden auf dem Blog-Feed oder auf Archivseiten angezeigt, w?hrend Seiten eigenst?ndige Inhalte sind, die nicht Teil des Blog-Feeds sind.
Sie k?nnen jedoch eine benutzerdefinierte Seitenvorlage für Ihre Beitr?ge erstellen und dieser Vorlage eine bestimmte Seite zuweisen. Hierfür müssen Sie eine neue Seiten-Vorlage erstellen, die den erforderlichen Code zum Anzeigen Ihrer Beitr?ge enth?lt. Sobald die Vorlage erstellt ist, k?nnen Sie sie der Seite zuweisen, auf der Sie Ihre Beitr?ge anzeigen m?chten.
Um eine benutzerdefinierte Seitenvorlage zu erstellen, k?nnen Sie eine neue PHP-Datei in Ihrem Theme-Verzeichnis erstellen und den erforderlichen Code zum Anzeigen Ihrer Beitr?ge hinzufügen. Anschlie?end k?nnen Sie eine neue Seite in WordPress erstellen und Ihre benutzerdefinierte Vorlage aus dem Abschnitt “Seitenattribute” auf der rechten Seite ausw?hlen.
Ich hoffe, das hilft Ihnen weiter! Lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Constant ABSPATH already defined ?If you can share the wp-config.php file code, i can find the issue. It seems something wrong in the config file. share the config file code or at least Screenshot
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Modify the gap between photograph and descrition.You can use this CSS to reduce the GAP.
#post-55 img.wp-image-2463, #post-55 img.wp-image-2125{ margin-bottom: 0; }
As for the second part, i didn’t get what you’re asking for. Thanks
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: video preview does not display on iphoneThe issue you are experiencing with the video preview not displaying on iPhones may be related to the autoplay feature of the WordPress video block. Autoplay is often blocked on mobile devices for performance and user experience reasons.
One potential workaround you can try is to disable the autoplay feature and provide a play button for users to manually start the video. This way, users can choose when they want to watch the video, and the video preview should display properly. Here’s how you can do this:
- Edit the video block on your homepage.
- In the block settings on the right-hand side of the editor, scroll down to the “Autoplay” option and turn it off.
- Add a cover image for the video by clicking on the “Poster Image” option and selecting an image to use as the preview thumbnail. Make sure this image is high quality and visually appealing to entice users to click on the play button.
- Save and update the block.
With autoplay disabled, the video will display a cover image and a play button. When users click the play button, the video will start playing.
Alternatively, you can use a third-party video player like YouTube or Vimeo and embed the video using their iframe embed code. These services are optimized for video playback and provide a superior user experience on mobile devices, as they offer responsive embed code that will automatically adjust the size of the video player to fit the screen size of the device.
I hope this helps resolve the issue with the video preview not displaying correctly on iPhones
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How Do I Filter by Post ID Range and Category Using WP CLI?To filter posts by post ID range and category using WP-CLI, you can use the
wp query
command with the--category_name
parameters. Here’s an example command:wp query --post__in=$(wp eval 'echo implode(",", range(10,20));') --category_name=category-slug
In this example, replace
with the first and last post IDs in the range you want to filter by, and replacecategory-slug
with the slug of the category you want to filter by.The
'wp eval'
command will generate a comma-separated list of post IDs in the specified range, which can then be used as the value of the--post__in
parameter. Additionally, the--category_name
parameter can be used to filter the results by the specified category.You can also add other parameters to further customize the query, such as
to filter by a specific post type or--posts_per_page
to limit the number of results returned.Note: Ensure that you execute this command from the root directory of your WordPress installation. Additionally, bear in mind that filtering posts by ID range can be a resource-intensive process if you have a large number of posts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to change default comments class idTo add the PeepSo class to the default WordPress comment widget and tab, you can utilize a filter hook to modify the comment class. To do this, you will need to add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin:
function add_peepso_comment_class($classes){ $classes[] = 'ps-comments'; // or 'ps-js-comments' return $classes; } add_filter('comment_class', 'add_peepso_comment_class');
This code will add the Peepso comment class (ps-comments or ps-js-comments) to the default WordPress comment class, thus ensuring that the comments will be displayed with the same styling as the Peepso comments.
Note: To ensure that the changes take effect, be sure to clear your site’s cache after adding the code.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: elementor pages ?When you see ELM next to a page name in your WordPress dashboard, it indicates that the page was created or modified using the Elementor plugin. This is a convenient way for WordPress to keep track of which plugin was used to create or edit a particular page.
If you were to deactivate the Elementor plugin, the pages you created or modified using the plugin will still remain in your WordPress site. However, you will no longer be able to edit those pages using Elementor or any of its features. Instead, you would need to use WordPresss default editor or another page builder plugin to make any further changes.
Regarding your issue with menus, it is difficult to provide specific advice without more information about the problem you are experiencing. Nevertheless, if you are having difficulties with Elementor, you may want to consider reaching out to the Elementor support team or community for assistance. They may be able to help you troubleshoot any issues you are facing and find a suitable solution.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Light Header doesn’t align center in mobileHi, I have an easy solution for this situation. Use the below CSS to have your header centered like this: Screenshot
@media (max-width: 480px){ { width: 20%; float: left; flex: 0; } .site-branding.cell.shrink.text-center { width: 40%; float: left; text-align: center; flex: 20; } }
I hope this helps. Thank You & let me know if you need anything else.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Embedded video click to create own page with unique URL?In WordPress, you don’t need to create a separate page for each embedded video. Instead, you can embed the video on a single page or post and use a plugin or shortcode to generate a unique URL for each video.
The WP Video Lightbox plugin is a great option for this, as it allows you to create a lightbox popup for each video that is clicked, with its own unique URL.
To use the plugin, you would first need to install and activate it on your WordPress site, and then you can embed your videos using the plugin’s shortcode.
Alternatively, you could also display clickable images on a page that links to individual pages for each video, using WordPress’s built-in gallery feature or a plugin that allows you to create a gallery of clickable images.
In conclusion, there are multiple ways to display and share embedded videos with unique URLs in WordPress, making it easy to share your videos with customers.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Media library doesn’t see the imagesYes, there is a simple way to reconnect your WordPress Media Library with all the images stored in the contents/uploads folder, as well as identify which articles are using them. The Add From Server plugin makes this process effortless and efficient. With just a few clicks, you can quickly and easily reconnect your Media Library and ensure that all your images are properly linked to the right articles.
- Install and activate the “Add From Server ” plugin in WordPress.
- Go to Media -> Add From Server in the WordPress dashboard.
- Select the folder where your images are located (usually wp-content/uploads).
- Click the “Import Folder” button to import all the images into the media library.
- Once the images are imported, you can use the “Used in Posts” option in the “Attachment Details” section of each image to see which posts are using them.
Utilizing this plugin, you can swiftly and effortlessly reconnect your media library with your uploaded images, and also determine which posts are utilizing them.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that you create a backup of your WordPress site prior to using this plugin, as a precautionary measure in the event of any issues arising during the import process.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Beitr?ge auf verschiedenen Unterseiten erstellenUm Ihr gewünschtes Ergebnis zu erzielen, k?nnen Sie ganz einfach diesen Schritten folgen:
- Erstellen Sie Ihre Seiten und Unterseiten: Erstellen Sie zun?chst Ihre Hauptseiten (z. B. Veggie-Rezept) und deren Unterseiten (z. B. Kartoffeln, Reis, Nudeln usw.) in WordPress.
- Weisen Sie die Seiten Ihrem Navigationsmenü zu: Gehen Sie dann im WordPress-Dashboard zu Darstellung -> Menüs, w?hlen Sie die Seiten aus, die Sie in Ihr Navigationsmenü aufnehmen m?chten, und fügen Sie sie dem Menü hinzu.
- Erstellen Sie Ihre Beitr?ge: Gehen Sie als N?chstes im WordPress-Dashboard zu Beitr?ge -> Neu hinzufügen und erstellen Sie wie gewohnt Ihre Beitr?ge.
- Ordnen Sie Ihre Beitr?ge den entsprechenden Seiten zu: Im WordPress-Editor sehen Sie auf der rechten Seite einen Abschnitt namens Seitenattribute. W?hlen Sie dort die entsprechende Seite oder Unterseite aus, auf der Ihr Beitrag erscheinen soll.
- Vorschau Ihrer Beitr?ge auf der Startseite: Standardm??ig zeigt WordPress Ihre neuesten Beitr?ge auf der Startseite an. Wenn Sie eine Vorschau Ihrer Beitr?ge auf der Startseite anzeigen m?chten, k?nnen Sie das Widget ?Letzte Beitr?ge“ oder ein Plugin verwenden, mit dem Sie Beitr?ge nach Kategorie oder Tag anzeigen k?nnen. Alternativ k?nnen Sie die oben beschriebene Methode nutzen, um Ihre Beitr?ge bestimmten Seiten oder Unterseiten zuzuordnen.
Ich hoffe das hilft! Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, z?gern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Appearance-> Menu — Administrators have different accessHi, the screenshots you provided are not viewable because you shared image paths of your PC which no one can view. Please use any image sharing platform to upload and share the screenshot with us. You can use to share the screenshots. Thanks
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: slideshow is’nt coming under the borders above it?You’re very welcome !!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Container width settingTry using this plugin WP Sticky Sidebar . Or follow this Blog Article and see if that helps you or there is always an option to make custom Sticky sidebars,