Mohsin Alam
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Images] Image broke after first loadThis file contain this code:
// retina.js, a high-resolution image swapper (, v0.0.2 (function(){function t(e){this.path=e;var t=this.path.split(“.”),n=t.slice(0,t.length-1).join(“.”),r=t[t.length-1];this.at_2x_path=n+”@2x.”+r}function n(e){this.el=e,this.path=new t(this.el.getAttribute(“src”));var n=this;this.path.check_2x_variant(function(e){e&&n.swap()})}var e=typeof exports==”undefined”?window:exports;e.RetinaImagePath=t,t.confirmed_paths=[],t.prototype.is_external=function(){return!!this.path.match(/^https?\:/i)&&!this.path.match(“//”+document.domain)},t.prototype.check_2x_variant=function(e){var n,r=this;if(this.is_external())return e(!1);if(this.at_2x_path in t.confirmed_paths)return e(!0);n=new XMLHttpRequest,“HEAD”,this.at_2x_path),n.onreadystatechange=function(){return n.readyState!=4?e(!1):n.status>=200&&n.status<=399?(t.confirmed_paths.push(r.at_2x_path),e(!0)):e(!1)},n.send()},e.RetinaImage=n,n.prototype.swap=function(e){function n(){t.el.complete?(t.el.setAttribute(“width”,t.el.offsetWidth),t.el.setAttribute(“height”,t.el.offsetHeight),t.el.setAttribute(“src”,e)):setTimeout(n,5)}typeof e==”undefined”&&(e=this.path.at_2x_path);var t=this;n()},e.devicePixelRatio>1&&(window.onload=function(){var e=document.getElementsByTagName(“img”),t=[],r,i;for(r=0;r<e.length;r++)i=e[r],t.push(new n(i))})})();
[Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button.]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Images] Image broke after first loadI found a file in themes but I don’t know what to do. can you please guide me? I’ll be grateful to you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Images] Image broke after first loadThere is no such option in the themes setting [options]. How can I fix it by your plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Edit] WP Edit plugin is not working!I properly investigate and found it working. Just need to go to setting and add the buttons in editing tab. It was auto added, but now have to manually add. See this setting change
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Edit] WP Edit plugin is not working!This is really sad to hear such sad story ?? Thanks for your reply here to confirm that I’m not going to get any help from the developer. Do you know any similar plugin that doing the same or similar work? Thanks in advance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme Tweaker] Problems with child-theme no display.Same problem doesn’t work in child themes. Check this screenshot ??
Then give them 5 stars to appreciate their work and inspire them to improve gradually.
Sorry to say that I haven’t resolved. I just using general contact form instead my planned system. I haven’t get any plugin which allow user to add text [like tags adding from posting a article] like this
I don’t need that predict feature, but I need to add tags by a user and when they submit I need to save it to the dashboard and send an email to me. Please tell me how can I make like this using your plugin or any other plugin if you know. I’ll be thankful to you.
I trying to build a website for a Grocery shop, My intention is to give users submitting their shopping list to me. I hope you are clear about my needs. Thanks
However, I figured out some option and I’m okay with that. Great thanks for this plugin.
I want pre-set option, all is need to select a package by user/customer end.
Here is that link I used shortcode
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gator Forms: the WordPress Contact Form with bite!] Page shortcodeWhat is shortcode to set contact form in page?
I want to insert ticker in page & widget area. It’s not working in page and widget area. Please help me to solve this problem.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Disable WordPress Theme Updates] Good pluginThanks for sharing this plugin, and I’m familiar with this plugin.