Well, not sure if this is the same problem, but I was able to figure out why the Red box Error was showing up when I tried to test out the form.
The documentation is horrible, so hopefully this will help out some folks.
1. Make sure the coding in your form is as follows (example):
<p><label>Name (required):<br />
[text* your-name] </label></p>
2. In your Admin section, underneath the “FORM” coding box, there is the “MAIL” section. You need to fill this out (example):
To: YOUR NAME <[email protected]>
(Replace “YOU” with your actual name & “YOU@DOMAIN.. with your actual email address)
FROM: [your-name] <[email-xx]>
(Replace the “XX” with the actual mark up language that is located up in your form.
SUBJECT: put whatever you want emailed here to you
I hope that helps out those that are struggling because I found absolutely no other help besides the author’s blog (which is a bit confusing).