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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Variable product class nameI went with the snippet and it worked. Thanks so much
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inok thanks, I wrote you through your contact form
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inI’m sorry for the back and forth too.. Unfortunately, it took minimum 2 hours to update my -80px padding(done with Elementor) this time, even though I cleared all cache(browser, pegasaas, cloudflare), and after i tried from different browsers(logged in/off). Thanks for your time
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inI’ve been testing on this URL
I put back the padding to 0. I cleared the browser cache. I tried when I’m logged in and when I’m not. Same result. still not updating on the front end right away(or after 2 minutes), it takes time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inHello Brandon,
Thanks for getting back to me.
ok so I updated the plugin, I put back the padding to -80px(same URL), and cleared the browser cache. I refreshed the page multiple times and unfortunately the change hasn’t taken effect yet, after few minutes. Is it still supposed to take some time to update my CSS changes?
I’m sorry..Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inThanks for your patience as well Brandon. Let me know when you got updates. Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inok so I put back the padding to 0, and cleared the browser cache. I refreshed the page multiple times and the change hasn’t taken effect yet. so I guess it’ll take some time as usual. Thanks Brandon
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inI haven’t made any change now. I just want to confirm something. Instead of clearing my browser cache, can I just open the page in an incognito tab? I think it’s the same as clearing browser cache right? If yes, then I actually did it earlier with -80px and the result was the same(took time to actually update the change in incognito). I can try again though. Let me know if clearing the browser cache is necessary or if opening the page in incognito is enough.
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inHello Brandon,
ok I just did what you asked.
I’ve put back the -80px in the padding-bottom of the main banner. the distance between the form and the next section should be quite small, but it’s still not that the case(at the moment I’m writing this). I did only this change and I saved once.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inHere’s the link
I just noticed that CSS change just took effect, almost one hour after I did the change on Elementor. The main banner(hero section) has a 0 padding on the bottom. before, it was -80px so the distance between that section and the next section was shorter. Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inHello Brandon,
regarding the image, yeah maybe it was a Cloudflare problem. it’s good now.I was trying to do some editing in Elementor and honestly not all changes are saved in the front end. I changed a simple padding-bottom from -80px to 0. it changed in the backend of elementor, but it never changed in the front end.
I cleared all cache in Pegasaas, I also purged the cache in Cloudflare dashboard.The change only is effective when I put Pegasaas in diagnostic mode. I put it back to live now and the padding-bottom is still -80px
Maybe the change will take effect later but it’s annoying. I made the change in Elementor like 30 minutes ago.
Does it have to do with this line: ExpiresByType text/css “access plus 1 year” ?
I have it in my .htaccess file.Thanks so much
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inHello Brandon I hope you’re doing fine.
Thanks so much, I did what you asked. I’ll keep testing to see if everything is alright.
For now, I’m noticing here that in the testomonials section, there is one image(of the person) that doesn’t wanna show up when I’m logged off. Search for the name Mark Martinez in the page and you’ll see the image doesn’t appear.
In diagnostic mode in Pegasaas, the image appears no problem.Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inyou’re right. I got ” ExpiresByType text/html “access plus 6 months” under # Leverage Browser Caching by SG-Optimizer.
Which is weird, because I disabled SG Optimizer plugin but their code is still there.Well I can access htaccess from filezilla and edit it, so what changes should I make in the file? Should I replace with “access plus 6 months” or should I remove ExpiresByType line?
Thanks a lot
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inok, I disabled “Browser Caching”, then I renabled it. I went to check on cloudflare’s dashboard. I think the option I’m supposed to look at is this: Browser Cache TTL –
Determine the length of time Cloudflare instructs a visitor’s browser to cache files. During this period, the browser loads the files from its local cache, speeding up page front of this option there is 4 hours.
I’ll see if I got this fixed after doing some other editing.
As for the missing image, yes I understand. Keep me posted, Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pegasaas Accelerator WP] Page not completed loaded when I’m logged inUpdate:
Since my last message, I refreshed the page again, and it seems like points 1 and 3 have been fixed. That makes me realize the plugin doesn’t make the site update itself right away, and yes I had cleared the cache and purged Cloudflare on the first time, which is inconvenient if we have to wait for one hour before to see the live changes.
issue number 2 still persists, the image remains missing.
Thanks for your time