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  • Thread Starter mmzkh


    Hello bcworkz, I hope you are well
    Well, I had thought about flex, but the structure of the comment section was such that they were not in a general div to be considered as children of flex, and in fact, they were two separate containers.
    But suddenly an idea struck me:
    Simply put:

    <div id="box-comment">
        <!-- comment -->
        <?php comments_template(); ?>

    just comments_template(); I put it in a div and that’s it

    And then I acted like this

        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column-reverse;
        flex-wrap: nowrap;

    I wrote this explanation so that maybe others who have this problem can help them

    And thank you for rekindling this idea in my mind

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    Hi George Appiah
    Thanks for your reply but I don’t want to add comment.php to my template
    Is there no other way to make this change?

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    I would like to know what are the opinions about this when ajax does not work?

        function comment_validation_init() {
        if(is_single() && comments_open() ) { ?>        
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        rules: {
          author: {
            required: true,
            minlength: 2
          email: {
            required: true,
            email: true
          comment: {
            required: true,
            minlength: 20
        messages: {
          author: "Please fill the required field",
          email: "Please enter a valid email address.",
          comment: "Please fill the required field"
        errorElement: "div",
        errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by mmzkh.
    Thread Starter mmzkh


    Hi again
    I changed the code of the style .html page like this, so it will be very good, so please see how I edited this page before the guide:

    #Template Minimalist
    #Defaults {ctaTextColor=, postTitleColor=BLACK Dark, boxColor=WHITE Dark, borderColor=BLUE #2 Light, borderColorLabel=border}
    <a href="{postHref}" target="{linkTarget}" {linkRel} id="ir-post-vesal">
            #ir-post-vesal {
                display: inline-block;
                /* width: 60%; */
                width: 100%;
                margin: 20px auto;
                padding: 10px 0 20px 20px;
                background-color: #ffffff;
                border: 1px solid #EDEDED;
                border-radius: 12px;
                text-decoration: none !important;
            /* start before title */
            #ir-post-vesal #ctaText-vesal {
                position: relative;
                display: inline-block;
                height: 30px;
                padding-right: 20px;
                margin-bottom: 10px;
            /* before */
            #ir-post-vesal #ctaText-vesal::before {
                content: "";
                position: absolute;
                top: 10%;
                bottom: 10%;
                right: 0;
                display: block;
                width: 4px;
                height: 80%;
                background-color: #C2A501;
                border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;
            #ir-post-vesal #ctaText-vesal p {
                color: #000000;
                font-size: 15px;
                font-family: "peyda";
                font-weight: 700;
                line-height: 30px;
            /* end before title */
            #ir-post-box-vesal #ir-post-link-vesal {
                margin-right: 40px;
            /* start title */
            #ir-post-vesal #postTitle-vesal {
                display: block;
                width: auto;
                height: auto;
                margin-top: 10px;
            /* before */
            #ir-post-vesal #postTitle-vesal p {
                position: relative;
                display: block;
                height: 30px;
                margin: 0;
                font-family: "kalameh";
                /* font-family: "kalamehweb"; */
                font-size: 14px;
                line-height: 30px;
                color: #606060;
                padding-right: 30px;
                margin-top: 5px;
                overflow-x: hidden;
            #ir-post-vesal #postTitle-vesal p:nth-child(1) {
                margin-top: 0;
            #ir-post-vesal #postTitle-vesal p::before {
                content: "";
                position: absolute;
                top: 35%;
                bottom: 35%;
                right: 4px;
                display: block;
                height: 30%; /* 530% = 9px */
                width: 9px;
                background-color: #D9D9D9;
                border-radius: 50%;
                filter: blur(2px);
            /* end title */
        <div id="ir-post-box-vesal">
            <span id="ctaText-vesal">
            <div id="ir-post-link-vesal">
                <span id="postTitle-vesal">

    This is all the codes on the page I told you I have and I deleted everything else because I didn’t need them!

    Actually this is where you should guide me:

                <span id="postTitle-vesal">

    That is, exactly where there are two P tags, I want the content and the link of the indo tag to be different and to show two separate posts, of course, the structure you mentioned has a general A tag from which these boxes take the entire link. If you can guide me on how to link the two channels, I will remove the A tag and replace it with a DIV to solve the problem that the entire tank has a link ??

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    Well, hello again
    I was involved in this plugin for several hours and finally because I wanted to make small changes in it, I reached the following file:
    assets > templates > styles.html
    I noticed that you control the display and appearance of this plugin in the front
    Now, since I want to have two titles, I reached the following by looking at the codes a bit:
    {postTitle} that placed in span
    Now I want to create something like the image below

    As you can see, I want to have two of these, so I copied one of them, but the problem is that the displayed text and the linked post are the same, which I don’t want!
    I want two different posts
    If you could just tell me how to create two or three different titles when there are two or three boxes on a post page, I would be very grateful ??
    Or if you could help me add some small lines of php I will be indebted to you for this help
    thank you

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    Of course:
    If there is a problem, I will answer you here.

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    Hello Milind More
    Thank you for your help
    I solved the problem
    And the problem was the interference of a plugin, now everything works fine
    Thank you and the amp team

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    I backed up before doing anything
    Everything is working fine now but my version of Mentor is still 3.1.1 and I could not update it successfully
    My PHP version above 7.4 was originally upgraded
    Please tell me a solution to update the mentor without disrupting the site!
    Now that the PHP version has increased, won’t there be a problem for me after the update (site clutter)?

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    Hello, unfortunately, it has been about a few days since I sent you a tick here, but unfortunately, you still have not provided a way, if the topic I mentioned has really become an important problem for me today.
    Thank you very much for providing a quick fix.

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    Thank you for your guidance. Based on my explanation, I was very determined to move forward through the capability (I am a developer and technician) because what you mentioned is important to me.
    I saw some problems in the plugin which I will describe here
    First, I have a problem with one of my sites where I use amp (www, if I am a developer and technician, and in addition to an error for my template called jannah It shows the problem with two of the plugins of the template itself, as well as with the Mentor and Mentor Pro plugins. I’m not going. Again, the template and plugin I mentioned above show me an error, but eventually the changes are saved, and in the end it does not give me a json error, but instead of the transition mode (second amp mode) to the third plugin mode, ie transition mode. It switches and this is probably due to incompatibility with the template
    On my second site, where uses amp, of course, I would like to say more precisely in the blog section of this site to:
    [ redundant link removed ]
    In addition to all the above errors, there is another drawback, which is that the plugin management page is very cluttered. The size of the problem, I’m sure that the css file of this section will not run, however, I hope this problem will be solved in the next update, and for your help and when you leave, thank you, be sure that your efforts will be useful for many people in the world ??
    I’s finally for you to guide me uuid my second site to the address:
    [ redundant link removed ]
    I put it here for you:
    Thank you for your efforts, “good team”, I wish you success in solving the problem

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
    Thread Starter mmzkh


    Hello and thank you to all the people who are involved in the development of this plugin
    Definitely this plugin is one of the best security plugins, of course I will modify it is the “best” plugin for this
    I realized that according to what you said, if I disable the white IP feature, the problem will be solved, I have only one question
    Also, if I accidentally activated this ticket = ticket and lost access to the counter, then what should I do to solve this problem?
    thank you

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    Thank you very much for your guidance
    So as I understand it, if you disable the white ip feature, this problem will be solved
    Only one case is that unless the IP changes over time, then how should I enter my IP in this section because as I understand it, every few hours my IP changes
    I disable and test the white IP, I hope the problem is solved
    I will inform you about it here
    thank you

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    I think I enabled this when I was using the plugin, but now that I have reset the plugin there are no settings left to be precise, if you are sure this will cause a problem I can try it once
    thank you

    Thread Starter mmzkh


    To put it bluntly, I apply all the relevant items that I feel can help secure my website.
    I go to change the address of the login page, where I enter the address of my desired path and save everything at the end, of course, I only activate this feature and I do not go to other things, including setting cookies (next option) and activate it I do not do it because it has been said that only one can be activated.
    Then I check the address and oh boy everything is right and this plugin is unique
    But the next day or even a few hours later ……
    I have to re-enter after a while, since I have enabled the forced exit option
    I search for the same changed address and it is at this point that it gives me a forbidden error and says you are not allowed to access then I search for the wp-admin address and it tells me: you are not allowed to access here
    So practically I can not enter my panel.
    So to make sure I go to my host plugins folder and change the plugin name, I search wp-admin again and now everything is fine
    I reactivate the plugin and everything crashes again
    And I can not enter at the end because, as we Iranians say, I have both God and God, I have to restore my database backup
    (Of course, I should mention that once by deleting the relevant sections of the .htaccess file, everything was fixed and I was able to log in, but this did not happen the last time)
    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by mmzkh.
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