Hello jdailey,
Actually @lhkjhjkhjkhjklhjklkhjlhjkl is me. I posted the above comment with the wrong account. Same advice to @rjharris though.
re: 3rd party Ads; as is stated in your plugin description: “If you run a design agency, or just want to get rid of the ads, checkout Custom Sidebars Pro” While I can’t actually see these supposed WPMU DEV Ads, because of a blurry dashboard, I would assume that you don’t own the WPMU DEV company, but do sell your plugins there. Thus, yes, they are third party ads.
@jdailey, I would suggest that you don’t mark this topic resolved, as two of us and counting have not actually resolved this issue. As stated, I’ll not be helping troubleshoot your ability to better serve me Ads, but do suggest to others that there are many other great Custom Sidebar plugins available.