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  • You can do these things by editing your CSS code, but have you already setup a child theme to edit so that your changes will not be lost with any future theme updates?

    If you just changed the Site Address (URL) in Settings > General then you can follow the section in the middle of the following page Giving WordPress Its Own Directory ? WordPress Codex. Find the section under the heading Using a pre-existing subdirectory install

    It sounds like you have already done steps 1 – 3, so you would start with step 4 “Copy (NOT MOVE!) the index.php and .htaccess files from the WordPress…”

    Continue through Step 7 of in that section.

    This will allow you to keep your current setup within /wp but have your site resolve to your root domain.

    Looks like it’s just the Home page that is missing the left “Primary Sidbar” widget content. How did you go about changing to full width?


    Reviewing your previous posts I see you mentioned step 6 and 7 under the heading Moving a Root install to its own directory on Those instructions did not apply to your case as you already had WordPress installed in a subdirectory. The steps under the heading Using a pre-existing subdirectory install (the middle section of the page) were those you needed to follow. There would be only two files you would have needed to copy from your /wordpress directory to your root after changing the site settings in the Settings > General.

    Your steps would have been as follows:

    • Log in to your WordPress site.
    • Go to Settings and General
    • WordPress Address (URL) would stay as
    • Site Address (URL) would be without the WordPress directory at the end
    • Save Changes
    • Next access your site files through FTP or your hosts Control Panel and go into your Wordpres directory and find the index.php and .htaccess files.
    • Copy them to the directory above WordPress (which should be your root, either the www, or htdocs more than likely)
    • Edit the index.php and find:
      /** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */

      And add WordPress before the wp-blog-header.php like this:

      /** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
    • Save your changes to index.php.

    While you could do this by modifying the CSS code for your theme, I would suggest you check out the StudioPress info and in their forums as I would think setting the header color would be controllable through the theme options. I am not familiar with them though.

    I suggest using an FTP client (WinSCP, FieZilla, etc.) on your local computer to access your remote files on the host. This way you can have a local copy of your theme files (setup a child theme), which you can edit with a text editor like Notepad++ and sync your changes to the server.

    Your theme files will be in wp-content/themes/name-of-your-active-theme

    You can do this by following the instructions under the heading of Using a pre-existing subdirectory install.

    I do this with almost every install as I like to have the site files for the WordPress install organized in a folder and it adds another (tiny) layer of security to the site.

    The process is pretty simple. You change the site settings in your WP admin (Settings > General) and then make a small edit on the index.php file and copy the index.php and .htaccess file to your root directory.

    The Church Theme is actually a child theme of Omega (same developer). Omega has action hooks and filters that could be used to move code around but I’m not that familiar with the theme structure. Perhaps communicate with the theme developer

    Forum: Localhost Installs
    In reply to: Home Computer


    Sorry to hear of your problems with the local install through MAMP. I primarily use PCs so I can’t be much help with the set up you are using.

    The 5 minute install is for installing on a hosting account for a live site. Steps involve logging into your control panel for your hosting account, creating a database with a user, uploading the wordpress intall files to your website directory, and accessing the install url.

    Your issues seem to be with trying to setup the tools needed to run a webserver locally. This is for testing and development prior to migrating to a live server and much more complex than the 5 minute install covers.

    There are ways through javascript but it’s not something I have attempted and can recommend. I would instead find a method to remove the title text being applied to the links. Examining your code in Firebug show the link code for your first image (top, left) to be:

    <a class="thumb-hover-link" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Wedding Couple " href=""></a>

    If you can remove the title="Permalink to Wedding Couple this will have the same effect as removing the popup on hover.

    Finding the code to edit depends on your theme template files and how it pulls the featured images. Since you are using a pro theme from a dev at Themeforest your best bet is to contact the theme developer for assistance.

    Not exactly. I just left all the original comments in for sake of reference / credit to theme developer.

    All you really needed in the styles.css was :

    Theme Name: Striker Child
    Template: striker

    And you need to have the parent them folder correct. The theme folder name is what you should have for Template:
    You can call the theme (Theme Name) whatever you want.

    You can set your home page to be a static page. Under Settings > Reading you have an option for Front page displays… Choose static and the page you want (you will need a page created first). You don’t have to set a Post page (blog).

    As for the other question, follow the instruction under the section Using a pre-existing subdirectory install on the following page

    Oh and one other thing. When I downloaded Striker and extracted it. The folder name for the theme was just “striker”, NOT “striker-theme”. You might want to rename the folder to striker or start over with a fresh install of the theme.

    Hi Antare,

    You can create a child of the Striker theme. Create your child theme folder of striker-child. Create a style.css file and place only the following code in the file.

    Theme Name: Striker Child
    Template: striker
    Theme URI:
    Author: Ossie Heffell
    Author URI:
    Description: Striker is a fully responsive and highly customizable WordPress Theme. Add your own logo, header, background, featured areas, social links, pick from 4 different color layouts and much more.
    Version: 1.9
    License: GNU General Public License v2.0
    License URI: ?
    Tags: light, white, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, flexible-width, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-images, flexible-header, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, threaded-comments, translation-ready, theme-options, full-width-template, black
    This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.
    Resetting and rebuilding styles have been helped along thanks to the fine work of
    Eric Meyer
    along with Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal
    and Blueprint
    Striker WordPress Theme, Copyright 2013 Ossie Heffell
    Striker Theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
    Striker Theme based on Underscores (_s) Theme
    _s ("Underscores") WordPress Theme, Copyright 2012 Automattic, Inc.
    _s ("Underscores") WordPress Theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
    @import url( '../striker/style.css' );

    You should already have Striker uploaded to WP.
    Upload and activate the striker-child folder containing the style.css file.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Yep, not something you are going to need.

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