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The webhook URL should be set on the hosted payment page admin dashboard. Log into the HPP and then click on Connect -> advanced -> paste webhook URL there.
I’m happy to hear your team found a suitable ecommerce payment option- you contributed a lot with testing out the plugin so thank you!
?Yesterday, a ticket order for an event came in, where we received the payment confirmation email from cardconnect, but the payment was not captured. The customer reported that she submitted her payment but she got the spinning circle. This only happened once, but it’s kind of a big issue I thought it wise to go back to using the cardpointe plugin for now.
The issue above cannot be resolved by this plugin, because the spinning icon occurs on the payment page. It’s external from the woocommerce plugin, and even your website.
When your site is configured to use every feature of this plugin, then a payee can be certain a successful payment with confirmation emails from
- madeinkanakee<at>
- woocommerce<at>
cf_woo_id this is the primary ID for the woocommerce order ID and the only information available from the HPP. It must be a custom field (visible) on the HPP.
Great! Make the following changes.
Live Environment HPP Page = rationallifestyl
Test Environment HPP Page = rationallifestyl
I’ve been struggling to explain that step, but since your HPP is at, the only part you’ll include is the portion of the URL in bold text.
Let me know how that works for you, there is additional changes necessary within the hosted payment page admin dashboard. Navigate to the “Connect” area and do the following:
- Create an invoice with the Order Line Items (Column 1 = Name, Column 2 = Quantity, Column 3 = Price), then create a line item (Orange, 5, 5) and click “build link”. This saves the line-item configuration for future links.
- Add your website URL to the redirect field. You can even create a page on WordPress that states “Payment Complete, please check your email for confirmation”, etc.
- WordPress by default doesn’t know when a payment occurs on the HPP. To support this option, please add the following URL to the webhook URL
Please confirm whether the webhook is saved as within the Hosted Payment Page “connect” tab. WooCommerce will automatically update ONLY if the settings are enabled to build the link externally.
Please send a screenshot of your plugin settings. This is found within WordPress -> WooCommerce -> Payment Settings
Plus – ensure the HPP URL is just the beginning of the URL. For example, should be cpswoo. Thanks for reaching out!
Hello, the payment page needs the line items formatted in a certain way. So you navigate to the Connect tab, then on this page you’ll edit the line item example and
Create an invoice with the Order Line Items (Column 1 = Name, Column 2 = Quantity, Column 3 = Price), then create a line item (Orange, 5, 5) and click “build link”. This saves the line-item configuration for future links.Please try out the first suggestion and that should resolve it, the connect tab will generate a link and then the page automatically knows the proper formatting after that. Lastly it’s helpful to review the URL generated by the plugin, even yourself may find an issue such as a % or any character that escaped the required format for the HPP URL