Forum Replies Created
Hi Andrea,
Thank you, good to hear that you like our plugin.
This issue is not related to our plugin, since it uses the character sets as configured on your website.
If your site shows question marks for non-English characters, most chances are your database character encoding is different than UTF-8.
This may have to do with the use of certain characters in the file name. Could you send the page link with the subscribe and download form so I can take a look at it?
Kind regards,
Team Download After EmailForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download After Email - Subscribe & Download Form Plugin] First name fieldHi Barbara,
Adding custom fields to the subscribe and download form is one of the premium features. You can find more information on our website: regards,
Team Download After EmailI’ll be marking this thread as resolved due to inactivity.
Feel free to open a new thread and link to this one if you have further questions though.
Hi Arnold,
It should be solved with this update to version 1.8.1. Make sure the dae-uploads folder exists within the wordpress uploads folder. This folder is created automatically when Download After Email is activated and it does not exist.
Kind regards,
Team Download After EmailGood to hear that you like our plugin. This is the right code, you only have to adjust the quotation marks. (If this code has no effect, change 20 to a higher number.)
This is because a different (newer) version of Font Awesome is used for your website icons.
You can solve this by adding the following code to functions.php of your active child theme.
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘dae_dequeue_fa’, 20 );
function dae_dequeue_fa() {
wp_dequeue_style( ‘fa’ ); //From the next update: wp_dequeue_style( ‘dae-fa’ );
This error is not due to our plugin, but to the revslider plugin. I advise you to contact them.
Thanks for your message. Nice to hear that you like our plugin.
It indeed has to do with the first-mentioned warning. The following warnings arise from this.
We will resolve this as quickly as possible with the next update.
Thank you for letting us know.
With the update to version 1.8 you can also have a notification email sent by filling in an email address (wordpress admin menu->downloads->messages). Is this email not received either?
You will find the wp_mail() function in shortcodes.php. You can see if it gives an error by using var_dump(). If you want me to test it for you, you can email me at [email protected].
There are currently no plugins known to us that are not compatible with Download After Email, but we have not been able to test them all with all different configuration settings.
The wp_mail() function may not work (correctly) on your site, since the rest of the code is working properly. The best thing to do (during testing) is to leave “From Name” blank and not to use images in the email content.
If this does not help, you could test the wp_mail() function in functions.php of your theme or in a (test) plugin. Or you could disable some of your plugins that may use/alter the wp_mail() function.
I have used several email providers for testing (on other sites) and all receive an email. I tested the download form on your site with a hotmail email address and did not receive an email.
There is probably something else going on why no email is being sent on your site. Perhaps a conflict with another plugin or with your active theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download After Email - Subscribe & Download Form Plugin] error on homepageThis notice seems to appear when using certain widgets. We will resolve this issue as soon as possible (approx. within a few days) with the next update to version 1.8.
Thank you for letting us know and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks for your rating.
I cannot reproduce this notice here. What is the full notice / error message? Do you only get this error after activation or on other pages too?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download After Email - Subscribe & Download Form Plugin] failureThis issue has been resolved since the update to 1.4.