Hi, can anyone help me. I want to install bbclone in my wordpress 1.5. I have copy the bbclone dir, change the chmod off var dir, changed the “” to 1 in the config.php but now what?
I have already put this:
define(“_BBC_PAGE_NAM”, “index.php”);
define(“_BBCLONE_DIR”, “bbclone/”);
define(“COUNTER”, _BBCLONE_DIR.”mark_page.php”);
if (is_readable(COUNTER)) include_once(COUNTER);
… in the index.php of my theme in many places but no result. My website structure is like https://www.subdomain.domain.net/wordpress and i have instaled bbclone @ https://www.subdomain.domain.net/wordpress/bbclone.
I tried in many places of the index but when i open bbclone/index.php its all blank. Help me please..