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  • MK


    I would use sprintf() instead. See example below:

    echo sprintf( '<p>%1$s<br>%2$s</p>',
        esc_html( 'We have just sent you an email with instructions to reset your password.', 'socialize' ),
        esc_html( 'If you do not receive a reset email or password email please look in your spam folder.', 'socialize' )


    This seems to be a change in security policies of Gutenberg and I’m 100% sure there is a reason for it. I’ve found this open issue on Gutenberg repo

    Have you tried Unfiltered MU by Automattic?

    Another possible solution would be allowing iframe via wp_kses_allowed_html, but not recommended. Also, you need to make sure editors are 100% trusted before doing this.

    function allow_iframes_for_editor( $allowed_tags ){
    	$allowed_tags['iframe'] = array(
    		'align' => true,
    		'allow' => true,
    		'allowfullscreen' => true,
    		'class' => true,
    		'frameborder' => true,
    		'height' => true,
    		'id' => true,
    		'marginheight' => true,
    		'marginwidth' => true,
    		'name' => true,
    		'scrolling' => true,
    		'src' => true,
    		'style' => true,
    		'width' => true,
    		'allowFullScreen' => true,
    		'class' => true,
    		'frameborder' => true,
    		'height' => true,
    		'mozallowfullscreen' => true,
    		'src' => true,
    		'title' => true,
    		'webkitAllowFullScreen' => true,
    		'width' => true
        if ( current_user_can('editor') ) {
          return $allowed_tags;  
    add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', allow_iframes_for_editor, 1 );

    I hope this helps.



    Use map_meta_cap() function to add caps to a specific role in multisite.

    Also it’s possible to use kses_remove_filters() on a specific page or user/role.


    function editor_unfiltered_html_cap( $caps, $cap, $user_id, $args ) {
        $user = get_userdata( $user_id );
        $user_roles = $user->roles;
        if( in_array( 'editor', $user_roles, true ) && !defined( 'DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML' ) ) {
            $caps[] = 'unfiltered_html';
        return $caps;
    add_filter( 'map_meta_cap', 'editor_unfiltered_html_cap', 10, 4 );

    I hope this helps.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by MK. Reason: improved if statement


    It’s always a good practice to validate inputs and sanitize outputs specially when you are publishing a plugin.

    Escaping is securing output, it prevents XSS attacks and converts the special HTML characters to HTML entities, then they are displayed instead of being executed.

    You can read more here:

    In your case you can escape value attributes with esc_attr() and label inputs with esc_html().

    I hope this helps.



    I’ve used this package a while ago. It parses User Agents, detects devices, clients and operating systems. It might worth checking it out.


    If you want to use node package, you will need to compile your script and use module bundlers to bundle all the dependencies, then enqueue the final script.

    I hope this helps.



    I think a better approach would be creating different page templates and headers. It keeps your theme/code clean, organized and it will be a lot easier for other developers to extend your theme.

    Hardcoding page IDs in the theme will be a problem once the site grew in content.

    Here is another approach if you decided to hardcode the page IDs:

    $menus = array(
        'primary' => '',
        'motorcycle' => array(1, 4),
        'auto' => '3'
    foreach( $menus as $key => $page_id ) {
        if( is_numeric($page_id) || is_array($page_id) && is_page($page_id)  ) {
              'theme_location'  => $key,
              'menu_class'      => 'navbar-nav nav'
              'container_class' => 'navbar navbar-s-page'
        } else {
              'theme_location'  => $key,
              'menu_class'      => 'navbar-nav nav'
              'container_class' => 'navbar navbar-s-page'

    If you like to use ternary operators:

    $menus = array(
        'motorcycle' => array(1, 4),
        'auto' => '3'
    foreach( $menus as $key => $page_id ) {
        $theme_location = ( is_numeric($page_id) || is_array($page_id) && is_page($page_id) ) ? $key : 'primary';
              'theme_location'  => $theme_location,
              'menu_class'      => 'navbar-nav nav'
              'container_class' => 'navbar navbar-s-page'

    I hope this helps.



    This is correct. The var_dump should return string type. If you take a look at wpdb::update method, it calls/returns wpdb::prepare which sanitize the SQL query for safe execution.

    To properly check the execution:

    $result = $wpdb->update($table_name, $data_update, $data_where);
    if ($result === false) // Failed
    if ($result === true) // Updated

    I hope this helps.



    Hi Sascha,

    As you mentioned earlier no Javascript, but I think this is a lot easier to be done via Javascript. The correct dynamic solution would be creating a REST endpoint and calling it on save() using JS while passing child/parent attributes. Then inside your PHP register callback access the same REST endpoint and check the column width.

    Another method would be using WP_Block_Type_Registry.

    $block_type = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance()->get_registered( $block['blockName'] );
    foreach ( $block_type->providesContext as $attribute_name ) {}

    Also, you could parse the blocks and get the attributes – Not sure if this works in your callback and I’ve not tested this yet but it would look something like this:

    global $post;
    $blocks = parse_blocks( $post->post_content );
    foreach( $blocks as $block ) {
    	// now you can access attributes via $block['attrs']

    I hope this helps.



    Hi there,

    I’ve done something similar a while ago. The correct approach would be having a different action deal with attachment meta using add_attachment hook.

    Worths mentioning that I found this issue about using _wp_attachment_image_alt meta.

    Here is a gist I had for this example (it updates the alt tag from image name).

    I hope this helps.



    Hi there,

    You can get parent’s ID from child element and access the attributes via select hook.

    For example:

    import { select } from "@wordpress/data";
    const parentClientId = select( 'core/block-editor' ).getBlockHierarchyRootClientId( this.props.clientId );
    const parentAttributes = select('core/block-editor').getBlockAttributes( parentClientId );

    I hope this helps.



    I like what Stefan has suggested but I think it’s way too slow. Instead I would use regex to match the images and execute it later in the_content().

    function images_in_the_content($content)
        if (preg_match_all('/<img[^>]*src="([^"]+)"/i', $content, $matches)) {
            foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $value) {
                echo '<pre>';
                echo '</pre>';
        return $content;
    add_filter('the_content', 'images_in_the_content', 15000);

    I hope this helps.



    You need to use array_push to push into $dataArray. Right now you are assigning value to a key that doesn’t exist.

    I hope this helps.



    Hi there,

    Where is the actual iframe located? This function only checks post content, if the <iframe> is in excerpt change the_content to the_excerpt also, if the <iframe> is in widgets area change it to widget_text_content.

    You could read more here.

    I hope this helps!



    Hi there,

    I’ve had a similar issue in the past. What I ended up doing was saving the wp_insert_post($args) as $post_id variable, then update the custom fields in your case acf with update_field($selector, $value, $post_id) right after inserting post(s). Remember you will need to create acf fields previously.

    The function look like this:

    function create_some_posts() {
      $args = array();
      $post_id = wp_insert_post($args);
      if( (get_field('acf_field')) ) {
        update_field('acf_field', 'value', $post_id);

    I hope this helps!



    The re-running of edit() is completely normal. I think you missed the documentation that clearly states that a block is a javascript object with attributes that are automatically passed to edit() and save() and in your case, each time input changes the edit() gets invoked again – You can read more here:

    I think a possible solution would be using RichText Component instead of input field just because the onChange gets called less frequently.

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