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Hi Peter!
I think that’s an interesting work-around and I really appreciate you putting the thought into this! My initial thought is that it would work fine, though I do have a few points to offer as food-for-thought:
– Our specific needs will require that users only be able to access their data. I’m not entirely sure whether you’re intending for the CSV file to be hosted on the website’s owner’s cloud or the client’s, but in any case the users will need to be able to access their data only. So, you would also need some way of storing a CSV file for each user/account.
– A very important feature for most websites is automaticity. I’m guessing that hosting the CSV file on the website owner’s cloud would take more manual-work, and at that point I’d probably rather just maintain the database on the backend and have users submit their CSV files through a WP form.I’m really surprised that there aren’t any plugins allowing for front-end CSV import. Is there a particular reason for this? Feasibility/security/etc.?
Hi Peter!
Thanks for the speedy response! I was able to set up a project and post the shortcode on the front end, but I’m aiming to give front end users the option to regularly import a list of students at their school and unfortunately I don’t think requiring them to upload a SQL file will work out :/
Any chance a front-end CSV import is in the queue for development? ??
Hi Maarten,
As far as I’m aware the registration form is really only if you want the user to be creating a “login-able” account on your website and is probably why you’re getting the error on the registration form. For your purposes, you could probably just use a contact form and customize the rest to fit your current needs; you could also add stripe or paypal field to the form if you’re wanting to include purchasing on contact.
This is my guess at least.
Can you provide a picture of your form editor? I remember that I wasn’t able to tell the problem from the front-end
I don’t remember entirely what the problem looked like. If you provide a link to the page or picture of your form editor I might be able to help.
Thanks for the response! The plugin you found might not quite fit my needs, but thank you. Marked as resolved
I was able to come to a resolution.
I was using “Name” field both username and first/last name. I replaced the “Name” field for Username with Text Input and it seems to work fine now.