I would appreciate additional advice: the user who created the account and site from wp-signup.php is registered as a multisite user, but not as a main site user, is this normal? or is there something wrong with the configuration?
Thanks for the reply, I have selected “Yes(automatically patch WordPress)” for Multisite WordPress Patches in Multisite Config as follows.
Also, in Multisite Registration Configuration, “Your main site/ allow Open Reguration?” is “yes(allow Open Registration : Free Subscribers. with a free Blog)” in the Multisite Registration Configuration.
Then the “Allow new sites and user accounts to register” checkbox in the Site Network Configuration under Site Network Management is checked and the site is ready to be created.
The new registration form is under lock and key.
if “Your main site/ allow Open Reguration?” in Multisite Registration Configuration is set to “No (do NOT allow Open Registration)”, the site network settings will checked in “New registrations are disabled”