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  • Thread Starter mitua


    Its resolved

    Thread Starter mitua


    In the menu settings,
    we have the option:
    Auto add pages: ‘box’: Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu

    The box was not ticked so no pages were appearing what I am going to do is initially when I dont want the pages to be on the navigation menu I will untick the auto add pages off and then when I want any page in the navigation menu I will tick that on.hehehehe.What a can give your comments over this.Also you can mention how to exclude the pages if I have changed the permalinks to postname as you have shown for ids.For the time being this issue is also only one last issue is left so whenvever you find the time today you can go through that.

    Thread Starter mitua


    Ok.Now let us discuss on this issue.and lets go step by step.

    The wp_nav_menu is there in my theme’s header and initially it created just aa ‘sample’ page.However i didn’t find anywher where this ‘sample’ is in my header.php.

    Now coming to the point ,as you told whenever a page is created it automatically appears in the navigation menu but it is not happening in my case.I have also read the same in other posts.But for me none of the pages which are being created automatically are getting on the navigation menu.
    Also I have changed the permalink from default to postname.So what ever u mention keep in mind that thing.

    For the time being I just want my ‘contact’ page along with the index page to come to the navigation menu and no other page without going to the dashboard’s menu option.

    Thread Starter mitua


    And Samuel u see one thing in the second structure two opening divs are missing namely for .entry content and .post(I dont know what they are for and what they do) but still it is working fine and the first one is not.However since it is working fine now am not touching the codes now to remove the two extra closing divs as it is too tedious to do for all the 8 templates and then test the code again if working or not.What do u say?

    Thread Starter mitua


    Hi again,

    Actually the semicolon was not the only problem.I tried putting the semicolon but it didn’t work .So as it was the second code above which was working and instead of wasting the time in finding the error in the first structure just like the semicolons I pasted the content from the previous template into this working structure and it worked.It took some time of about 2 hours as there were 8 templates.Though the problem is solved but whats the other thing which made the code run fine in the second structure apart from the semi colons?There is some other small thing.We can sit and find the error but since the problem is solved we would not waste time in this thread as we have 2-3 other threads.I am not marking this as resolved .Let anybody who comes in can find out the reason which caused the problem in the first structure.Or if u have extra time and u r free and want to do some mental exercise u can find it.But for this too I thank you as you made it easier and find the solution.

    Thread Starter mitua


    I will come this after a few hours.First let me correct the footer problem.And u are very good at explaining and thats why I told that u made it easier for me.So take that thing out of your mind.

    Thread Starter mitua


    I am keeping this unresolved now and after checking with the other templates would mark it resolved.

    Thread Starter mitua


    See that.I told u sitting with u makes very easy for me.I need to check with the semicolon now and if it works the full credit goes to u again.As far as finding the difference in the code I did not try ,u only tried and am thankful to u.As u gagin made it easierf or me.I will try with the templates for which the error is there and let u know tommorrow.We will discuss tomorrow as its very late here and u also might be tired.I would appreciate if you have alook at the other threads whenever you are free tommorrow.we will discuss.Thanks a lot again.

    Thread Starter mitua


    And now I will try again inserting the content of those nine teplates in this code just above and check whether I get the correct result and will let you know through this thread itself.Whenever you are free next time you can check my other threads.It would be really nice and appreciable as I would be able to solve the other problems too easily because when you are there with me I find it easier. We will discuss on other threads tomorrow.If u want to see those threads too u can else leave it for tomorrow.Thanks a lot for taking out the time for me.

    Thread Starter mitua


    I just cut the entire content from the template which was givine correct result and the tried with this small test content.It worked fine but when I used the first code above it gave me footer problem not once but 9 times in succession for 9 templates.Do you find any difference?

    Thread Starter mitua


    Is there anydifference in the two codes apart from the opening of php at the beginning?this is giving me correct result now.

    Template Name: Testpage2

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id=”container”>
    <div id=”content”>


    </div><!– .entry-content –>
    </div><!– .post –>

    </div><!– #content –>
    </div><!– #container –>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Thread Starter mitua


    The opening tag is there.Its not the reason.That opening tag I missed it while pasting the code here which I realised after pasting it.mIght be I cut the code from below that line while pasting it in a hurry.
    But I got the solution now.I am just posting it.I got it by some trial and error with the the code in the correct template so am mentioning.I dont know much about php and all these stuffs so you can find out the reason why that happened.I will just post that new code now which I used just now taking it from the correct template and some trial and error.

    Thread Starter mitua


    Actually there is one other template I have created.I got the code form internet for that template.And that template is working fine.the footer is also fine in that.
    But when I am using the basic structure from that code for other templates ,the code which i pasted above and if i am inserting any content in the content area its giving me a short footer.

    I think CSS even if it corrects wont be a right solution because something is wrong with the code otherwise the one template which is fine would not have been fine.And also the footer is perfectly fine in my home page and the pages which I am manually creating or by any other plugin.the problem is coming only when I am creating a template and then an automatic page for that template with the above structure.I think I should not try with CSS for this problem.What do u say?

    Thread Starter mitua


    footer portion above is aligned left but its actually coming in the middle of the screen but cut on both sides

    Thread Starter mitua


    The way the footer is getting cut I have tried to show by lines.



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