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by the way: the “Leave a review” button works…
- This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Michael.
Hello WPChef,
I am using a Mac…
The mouse reacts on button hover but nothing happens on click…
Best regards
Thanks a lot!
Hi Angelo,
Thanks for your kind support.
I got the problem solved, it was my error:
In an event, if you tick the option ?Required?“ for a ticket, it will of course not show zero tickets as selectable to be purchased.
If you don’t tick this option, everything works as expected.Best regards
Superb ;-), Peter!
Did you already patch the download version or when do you expect the next version arriving (hopefully as well with the order by in projects…)?
Best regards
Hi Peter,
well understood, thanks, I got it running ;-).
Nevertheless, the ability to select any source column besides the table’s key when defining a 1:n or n:m relation other than in a ?default“ definition suggests that it would work, which is not the case.
Maybe you would one day chose to restrict this use, which might not be easy due to the ?hierarchy“ explained in one of your nice videos.Whatsoever, thanks for this incredible plugin!
Kind regards
Hi Ptere,
Thanks. It works ;-).
Have a nice week-end.
Hi Peter,
got the same issue today.
Please see the failure message below.
Best regards
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘WPDataProjects\Project\WPDA_Reverse_Engineering’ not found in …/wp-content/plugins/wp-data-access/WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:168 Stack trace: #0 …/wp-content/plugins/wp-data-access/WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_View.php(488): WPDataProjects\Project\WPDP_Project_Table_Form->__construct(”, ‘AiNkywpda_proje…’, NULL) #1 …/wp-content/plugins/wp-data-access/WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_View.php(28): WPDataAccess\List_Table\WPDA_List_View->display_edit_form() #2 …/wp-content/plugins/wp-data-access/WPDataProjects/WPDP.php(248): WPDataProjects\Project\WPDP_Project_Table_View->show() #3 …/wp-content/plugins/wp-data-access/WPDataProjects/WPDP.php(197): WP in …/wp-content/plugins/wp-data-access/WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php on line 168
Dear Peter,
first, let me thank you a lot for your considerations, your ideas and your time!
I am sure that the proposed data model could be fine and as well be a bit more flexible than mine (even if I don‘t need multiple songlists for one event).
My data model used the main principle of a key-reference list already for the titles and the songlists, but not for the events, which you ?correct“ in your model.In a nutshell, your proposal tells us – in other words – that the selection of a source column for a relation other than the primary-key works for lookups only. It does, however, not work for 1:n or n:m relations.
I propose that you bring this up in your documentation, if not already in (I probably overlooked it).
Could you please be so kind to re-confirm this fact?
Thanks a lot for your kind help!
Hi Peter,
thanks for your kind support.
In order to demonstrate my issue, I have established a small project and exported it to the Dropbox link above.
If you go to Menu ?Test 1 to n“, table ?Events“ and edit Event 4, you will recognize my topic:
Below the table editor, it should display a list for the source column SetListID 3 references, however, it uses SetListID 4 as reference, which comes from the Event 4’s id (= 4).
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Peter,
and one thing:
In the wpdadiehard frontend appearance, I see functional interference with another plugin called “WP Photo Album Plus” (uses often wppa in its names).
I am using a running filmonly-slideshow in the Banner of my theme, which is influenced by your shortcode (won’t move any more and the Lightbox behavior is different).
Maybe a typo somewhere (wpda vs. wppa)?Best regards
Hi Peter,
first, please, let me tell you that your dedication is really superb and I am flashed by your responsiveness!
Regarding your question, I am not so sure to understand though, as I thought my screenshot would speak by itself…
Nevertheless, I will put something to the folder tomorrow (see the link above).
Have a good night.
Hi Peter,
thanks a lot!
The json error is gone ;-))).
Now I do have the same (incorrect) behavior as in my other 1:n relation issue posted above…
There are a few other things:
1. There is obviously some CSS behind your wpdadiehard-shortcode, which changes most (not all) of my …a href=… links to a blueish color.
2. It will not work (editing and next-page) in page draft mode, the page needs to be published.
3. Like in the back-end, even if you say no-delete, which works for the very table, you will be able to delete the entries in the tables referred to by 1:n.
4. If the table referred to by 1:n has more than one page, sometimes, next page doesn’t word there (like in the backend).Best regards
- This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Michael.
Hi Peter,
well, not exactly. I have here just one 1:n. The other two are just lookups.
Even if I remove the two lookups, the 1:n error persists.
I tried to mark the wrong link encircled in red.As you can see, the 1:n is defined as:
from Voices_Liedlisten – Column LLID
to Voices_Liedlisten_Namen – Column LiedlistenIDBut what it actually does (see on the left below):
from Voices_Liedlisten – Column id
to Voices_Liedlisten_Namen – Column LiedlistenID
which is not correct!
It should display a reference to 3, instead it uses 18.Let me check out the exporting tomorrow, if really needed, as the table and 1:n definition are straight forward.
Everything is in the screenshot…And I have added the overall data model in another file, same link as above.
This error occurs everywhere. It will only refer to the key column as source, not the selected source columnBest regards