That does work to show the product details, but the format of that page type is not ideal. Most of my product details are from custom fields which can only be shown under the “Additional Info” tab. I do have a few items that include actual description that would show on the “Product Details” tab, but otherwise that tab is just empty. I have set “additional details” to be the starting tab, renamed it to be the main info and the other tab renamed to be additional details, but some of the custom field info should actually be under my additional info tab. And while renaming them works, it is not ideal that the main starting tab be the second tab..
The other aspect of the tabbed layout I don’t want to have is the ability to click on the image, but there is no way to deactivate. Can you provide a way to resolve these aspects of the tabbed page type? If so, I would be okay with this as the resolution.