11 years, 10 months ago
You are both amazing. Thanks for the help, and if you are ever in Australia, then I will definitely buy you a beer.
That removes the uppercase issue, but does not italicise the words. Though the italics are still working on the posts, which is outstanding!
This page should have italics in the titles of each film. It still has the uppercasing issue.
One last thing Andrew, the posts are all fine now, but the pages still do not work with the italics. Is there an easy fix for that too?
Ok. It’s official. You are my hero. Thanks heaps dude. Have a great day.
Wow. Genius. That definitely worked, but yes, the font is now smaller. How odd.
Yes I do. It is under the heading ‘Appearance’. It says ‘Edit CSS’. Is that the one?
Sure thing thanks Andrew. The link is here. See the paragraphs at the bottom, or any of the film titles. I will deactivate plugins now and see.