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  • Thread Starter mitchbrooks1


    Still can’t get the menu text to change fonts. I was able to change the color and actually make bigger…but the font is still the same. I use that plug in you suggested too…still is not working. Website again is Here is the current script:

    html>body #content {
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    Thread Starter mitchbrooks1


    Thank you so much Maria…I spent hours (like a guy) trying to figure that out…it also deals with the Nav script too. I played with it and got the color to change. Please go to my site for these two last questions…

    1. Up at the top you see my menu HOME BASEBALL RSVP AND CONTACT US…you helped me change the color now how do I change font and size.

    2. You see the pool image and the FSPA…my IT guy did that…where is it so I can put it in a NEW WPress site…or theme.

    Thanks and best regards,


    Thread Starter mitchbrooks1


    Thanks so much Gagan! Got it to work now just fine…it was because it was private…got the plug in to exclude pages and it works good!

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter mitchbrooks1


    The page is there…but it’s private…I was told that doesn’t make a difference. But if I do make it as a published page how do I hide it so it’s not on the menu?

    Thread Starter mitchbrooks1


    Hi Gagan…thanks for your help…my FS Contact form is on this link….
    its set to redirect to this link:

    Currently it is set to 3 seconds but I’ve tried 0 to 10 with some folks and it still doesn’t work…goes to the NOT FOUND page.

    The page is set to private but that shouldn’t matter…I’m at a loss…people keep on filling out the form multiple times because they get that page…

    Best regards,


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