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Thank you for always getting back to me…. that’s way above my pay grade so i’ll stick with the shortcode that is available. ??
- This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by misticjeff.
@joneiseman I think I found part of the code used but not sure where to go with it.
<div class="trigger-context trigger-context-event"> <div class="em-automation-context-multi em-automation-event-categories"> <?php $what = isset($trigger->trigger_data['filters']['categories_include']) ? $trigger->trigger_data['filters']['categories_include'] :'include'; ?> <p> <label> <select name="trigger_output[events][categories_include]" class="em-automation-event-categories-include"> <option value="include" <?php if( $what === 'include' ) echo 'selected'; ?>><?php esc_html_e('Include', 'em-pro'); ?></option> <option value="exclude"<?php if( $what === 'exclude' ) echo 'selected'; ?>><?php esc_html_e('Exclude', 'em-pro'); ?></option> </select> <strong><?php esc_html_e('the following categories:', 'em-pro'); ?></strong> </label> </p> <p> <label for="em-automation-event-categories" class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e_emp('Event Categories'); ?></label> <select name="trigger_output[events][categories][]" class="em-selectize checkboxes" id="em-automation-event-categories" multiple size="10" placeholder="<?php esc_html_e_emp('Event Categories'); ?>"> <?php $args_em = apply_filters('em_automation_categories_args', array('orderby'=>'name','hide_empty'=>0)); $categories = \EM_Categories::get($args_em); $selected = !empty($trigger->trigger_data['filters']['categories']) ? $trigger->trigger_data['filters']['categories'] : array(); if( !empty($args['category']) ){ if( !is_array($args['category']) ){ $selected = explode(',', $args['category']); } else { $selected = $args['category']; } } $walker = new \EM_Walker_CategoryMultiselect(); $args_em = apply_filters('em_automation_categories_walker_args', array('hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name', 'name' => 'category', 'hierarchical' => true, 'taxonomy' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'selected' => $selected, 'show_option_none' => esc_html__emp('Event Categories'), 'option_none_value' => 0, 'walker' => $walker,)); echo walk_category_dropdown_tree($categories, 0, $args_em); ?> </select> </p> </div>
Well… it’s broken in any case. I’ll keep workin on it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Staging to Live – Only Staging Site is reachable@threadi Update: All links working now with one exception:
The ‘View Site’ link in the Admin bar. If you hover over it, it shows the correct URL, but when you click it, it takes you to the Staging Site Home Page.
@rizaardiyanto installed on my staging site and it functions correctly now. Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Staging to Live – Only Staging Site is reachable@threadi I currently have the site in maintenance mode so that I can apply my theme to the Live site. I can now access everything.
The only issue I have remaining is the ‘slug’ for the Home page is wonky and if I change it, I get a 404.
Site is out of maintenance mode now so if you have 3 sec, take a look and see if you can identify anything quickly I should know about. I owe ya a coffee at least!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Staging to Live – Only Staging Site is reachable@threadi ok, so did the above, everything seems to work fine now on live site, except…. clicking on ‘Home’ on the menu instead of taking you to my home landing page, takes you to the staging home page.
Additionally, i can no longer access the staging site Admin area at all. This doesn’t bother me as I can create another staging site.
So, how can i get the ‘Home’ link to actually point to my Live ‘Home’ page and can i unlink my staging site now, delete the files and database and start over??
Thanks Again!!!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Staging to Live – Only Staging Site is reachable@threadi thanks again! i’m just beyond ‘noob’ at this so appreciate all the help.
I’ve changed the URL in Admin > Settings > General. I have created copies of the live site and the DB.
Now, my wp-config file for the live site has the staging site database name/pass. If I change to the Live site name/pass i get a 404. Once I do this, should I now run Better Search Replace on the wp-posts table? and when I eventually run BSR on the wp-posts table, should I be doing:
https://staging.expatsinportugal.net > https://expatsinportugal.net
- This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by misticjeff.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by misticjeff.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Staging to Live – Only Staging Site is reachable@threadi thanks for looking! Not to be a bother, but were you able to try more than one area of the site? Community, Events, Shop, etc??
Thanks Again for the info.
$url = home_url("https://www.google.com");
Add the URL you want to direct to, inside the quotes, the same place i’ve put the Google URL.
Always a star! Thanks as Always!!!
@patbell101 does it look like this??
This is because in MailPoet you have a List named ‘Paid’. Go to Admin > MailPoet > Lists, and take a look. Then in PMPro > PMPro MailPoet, look under the ‘Opt-in Lists’ and you probably have a checkmark next to ‘Paid’ as shown below.
Got it! I had to install a different plugin to add the additional CSS. Works now and as ALWAYS, appreciate your help and patience!
Removed it from Additional CSS and placed it in Code Snippets
so what should I try? I could try putting the CSS in code snippet?