Forum Replies Created
Can we please get any kind of support on this???
I am having the same issue!
Layout that is working: https://womensharingart.org/artistgallery/margarethenning/
Layout not working (it loads the top row only): https://womensharingart.org/artistgallery/carolejamodeo/
Loads the same in Safari and Chrome.
FooGallery version : 1.4.25
WordPress version : 4.9.4
Activated Theme : Women Sharing Art, Inc.
WordPress URL : https://womensharingart.org
PHP version : 5.6.30
PHP GD : Loaded (V2)
PHP Open SSL : Loaded
PHP HTTP Wrapper : Found
PHP HTTPS Wrapper : Found
HTTPS Mismatch : None
PHP Config[allow_url_fopen] : 1
PHP Config[allow_url_include] : 1
Extensions Endpoint : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fooplugins/foogallery-extensions/master/extensions.json?v=C8lDWaelaB3f
Extensions Errors : Nope, all good
Extensions :
Extensions Active : Array
[0] => default_templates
[1] => foobox-image-lightbox
)Gallery Templates : Array
[0] => default
[1] => image-viewer
[2] => justified
[3] => masonry
[4] => simple_portfolio
[5] => thumbnail
)Lightboxes : Array
[foobox] => FooBox
[dfactory] => Responsive Lightbox by dFactory (Not installed!)
)Settings : Array
)Active Plugins : Array
[0] => foogallery/foogallery.php
[1] => gravityforms/gravityforms.php
[2] => backupbuddy/backupbuddy.php
[3] => bbpress-notify-nospam/bbpress-notify-nospam.php
[4] => bbpress/bbpress.php
[5] => bp-group-documents/loader.php
[6] => buddypress/bp-loader.php
[7] => custom-post-type-rewrite/custom-post-type-rewrite.php
[8] => custom-post-type-ui/custom-post-type-ui.php
[9] => custom-post-type-widgets/custom-post-type-widgets.php
[10] => favicon-by-realfavicongenerator/favicon-by-realfavicongenerator.php
[11] => foobox-image-lightbox/foobox-free.php
[12] => gd-bbpress-attachments/gd-bbpress-attachments.php
[13] => gravityformsmailchimp/mailchimp.php
[14] => js_composer/js_composer.php
[15] => lh-private-buddypress/lh-private-buddypress.php
[16] => menu-icons/menu-icons.php
[17] => nav-menu-roles/nav-menu-roles.php
[18] => quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin/page_post_redirect_plugin.php
[19] => really-simple-captcha/really-simple-captcha.php
[20] => really-simple-ssl/rlrsssl-really-simple-ssl.php
[21] => revslider/revslider.php
[22] => sassy-social-share/sassy-social-share.php
[23] => simple-custom-post-order/simple-custom-post-order.php
[24] => sucuri-scanner/sucuri.php
[25] => ubermenu/ubermenu.php
[26] => ultimate-tag-cloud-widget/ultimate-tag-cloud-widget.php
[27] => wordfence/wordfence.php
[28] => wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php
[29] => wp-content-copy-protection-premium-81815S/wp-content-copy-protection-premium.php
)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Events Calendar disappearedhttps://clients.333marketingny.com/dwfg/events/
Hello! I’m having the same issue on my site and did all of the above including deleting and reinstalling the plugin. It worked fine before the update. Now it shows a blog post listing instead of an event listing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kebo Twitter Feed] Kebo and Woocommerce?Hi Peter!
Thanks for getting back to me…we are looking to launch this site by this Friday so for now I am going to remove the widget on those pages only. Please let me know if you are able to figure out a solution and I will put them back!Thanks so much,
BeckyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Activated Simple 301 Redirect Plugin, now get 404 on plugins menuWhat would be a good plugin to do a redirect? We want to redirect an old blog post from her old site (that had good ranking) to the new permalink. I’m afraid to try anything else after what happened with Simple 301 Redirect.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Activated Simple 301 Redirect Plugin, now get 404 on plugins menuIt fixed itself…thank you anyway!!!