for first, sorry for my english ??
a have the same problem and I don’t have any bad javascript on site. In my case only dashboard was crashed and only on FF and Chrome. I have WP 2.9.2–pl_PL. I’ve search many blog and forums to find any effective method to solve this problem.
finally I’ve found this: ‘remove blank lines in wp-config.php and wp-settings.php‘. this is the cause of my problems with dashboard! – wp-settings. everywhere i looked I found information only of wp-config file, only on one site Author mention about this file and exactly! on the end of this file there was an empty line before php closing tag.
besides, in wp-config file there was no php closing tag – ?> (2.9.2 ver of WP) – it’s normally ?
anyway, thanks for all tips here ??
pozdrawiam ??