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  • Thread Starter misfit


    as many hacks and modifications as i’ve done to my site, i can’t believe i didn’t even know about custom fields. sheesh. =)

    thank you VERY much.

    never mind, just found the other alternative, perpage.phps (which i’d initially shied away from, hearing how people were having administrative interface issues after installing it, but apparently that issue doesn’t affect my wordpress version). i installed it, and it’s working beautifully.

    i’m grateful for the perpage.phps. but, after moving from movable type in the winter, i’ve been totally raving to clients and people i know about how awesome wordpress is, and this basic functionality issue, archives not behaving as archives would be expected to in a user-friendly context, came as my first wordpress dissapointment. though in all else, wordpress still rocks totally. thank the gods for plug-in and php script developers.

    is there anyone who can post the contents of matt’s plugin? the download link has been dead for almost a week. it’s kinda confusing, given how otherwise common-sense and awesome wordpress is, that basic archiving functionality a content management system should have is available only via an unreliable third-party plug-in.

    Thread Starter misfit


    yes, jbbr, you were right:

    is anyone enough of a css genius that you could take a look at, using internet explorer, and figure out what’s causing the right column content shift?

    this does make it difficult if not everyone is seeing this bug. it’s weird, i go to trendyname’s website both on my mac and on my pc at work, and the sidebar is shoved to the bottom, sidebar h2/h3s are scrunched together, and the little elements in the very top (search and date) are slammed together. i wonder why some people using ie see this, but other’s don’t, it isn’t mac/pc specific, at least in my instance.

    Thread Starter misfit


    i just noticed, by the way, that when the content in the main column ends, that’s when the content in the sidebar column begins, in the 2 instances of the ie “sidebar content gets shoved to the bottom of the page” bug. what could that point to, in terms of css structure & styling? i’m a little curious as to why the background styling of the sidebar column holds its place, it’s just the content inside the column that gets shifted down.

    sometimes i find it easier to fix problems using backwards inference.

    Thread Starter misfit


    thanks for checking. i’m using 1) ie version 5.2, mac osx 10.3

    also, 2) the same sidebar problem occurred using ie version 6 on a pc running windows xp at work. i haven’t encountered the problem using firefox or opera.

    i tried googling this, went through hundreds of search results, and did find a couple other people who experienced the same problem, but i couldn’t find a fix. if i were only better at css, so i could figure this out myself (i’m learning, but can’t attain wisdom overnight, unfortunately =).

    Thread Starter misfit


    thank you both for your replies (and very sorry for the delay.) i do (like you, root) prefer a much simpler approach.

    something i’ve realized, though, is that although all my pages look exactly the same, still, different pages exist (category, archives, individual, index), and maybe, at least in this small sense, it might be sensible to approach it from a modular framework.

    because to do it my way, if i merged all into just one index.php, i believe i’d have to recopy that index.php as archive.php, and then rip out the center of the post and plug in the code to call the archive content instead. and then i’d have to do the same for all my other different types of pages.

    so, one the one hand, the modular approach makes a lot of sense. but on the other hand, the modular approach is making it harder for me to experiment with visual design.

    i guess my task is to figure out which is more important for me.




    2 weeks later, i still haven’t had any luck. the only info on the web about this plugin seems to be at, which is still down. that’s a shame, because it’s a great piece of functionality. i wish i were a scripting genius and could come up with my own version.

    however, for anyone truly desperate, try this. type:

    “group-archives-by-year” blindmuse

    into google.

    go down to the search result that points directly to the page at where this plugin is supposed to befound, and find this line: 2004/03/31/group-archives-by-year/ – 22k – Supplemental Result – Cached – Similar pages

    click on “Cached”.

    it’ll hang when trying to load the Cached page. choose the option at the top of this new page that says “Click here for the cached text only.”

    That’ll take you to Google’s text-only, April 30, 2004 archive version of that page. Given the datedness of the archive, I don’t know if the info found on this archive page would work in 1.5, but it might be worth a try, and maybe it’ll help someone.



    i’ve been trying to visit for this solution for 2 days now, and it’s been inaccessible. does anyone know of an alternate solution, or a more reliable location where the “group archives by year” solution could be found, meaning, other than at (i certainly understand about server limitation issues, chuckg, especially with re to popular topics.) have you considered posting this solution elsewhere? i certainly would love to try out your work.



    i was having a similar problem. with 1.2, i had my wordpress files at

    but my blog is located at

    with 1.2, i forget what i did, but it involved setting index.php at my root level, rather than in the wordpress folder, and that worked fine.

    i uploaded to 1.5 today (completely clean, deleted all but my wp-config.php), and found that simply moving index.php to the root of my site wouldn’t work.

    my solution, after half an hour of tweaking, was to move wp-blog-header.php to the root of my site as well, and then to open up wp-blog-header.php and (i’m sorry i can’t be more specific, i was doing this while my landlord kept knocking on my door harassing me) where it pointed to the wp-config.php file, i modified the path link, so that it read “wordpress/wp-config.php”. i’m sorry, again, i can’t tell you specifically where, but i know it was just 2 instances, and near the top.

    so now when i pull up, “”, my blog is there, and it appears that my category links are working correctly. hope this can help some people, and sorry if this particular solution has been repeated elsewhere.

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