7 years, 10 months ago
Hi Jason, regarding #1 empty fields are missing.
When a field has no value it is not written to the database and is missing in the csv
See: export issue.JPG (Title field is present “Dr.”) and EmptyFieldsNotInDatabase.JPG
THX, Michael
Hi Jason, there are multiple LineFeeds in the textfields.
Here are screenshots from the export file and from the database. And one from the databasetext copied to notepad++. Here we can see that there are multiple CRLF (/r/n) in the textfield.
7 years, 11 months ago
Hi Jason,
I′m sorry to tell you that the Linefeeds are still there.
These LFs have been added by the users in the text field. I think they should be replaced with just a space.
Thanks in advance, Michael
#2 is solved. #1 it is the same Problem that delawaregrad has.
Greetings, Michael
Hi Jason, I have problem 1) and 2) too.
Thanks a lot