I understand the need to be able to use php in a post (for example including a file etc.), but as I said, for me one of the plugins worked perfectly. And if you bumped me, I was half asleep and half watching Psycho III, it was, after all, way past midnight. (And I’m not a “committed” forum replier anyway.)
What I was going to come ask after Psycho, XeroCool, was that you did enable myhacks in the options, didn’t you?
Which version of WP you use? If it’s 1.2., maybe you should look into the Mark’s hack because I have 1.2. (and it works for me, as stated) and the headers already sent error is probably easier to solve.
There is another current thread on this which *just* disappeared off the latest discussions list but it’s there… there was another plugin/hack link so check that out too
*blabber* sorry