Hi. What do you think about this? Instead of cloning the same form each time we need a new language translation on our site, the form by default could be automatically translated using the language packs. For this purpose we need to change:
// $atts['whatever'] = $value;
$atts['whatever'] = __('' . $value . '','contact-form-7'); //modules/*5 files
// $this->invalid_fields[$name] = array(
// 'reason' => (string) $message,
$mytext = __('' . (string) $message . '', 'contact-form-7'); //includes/acceptance.php
$this->invalid_fields[$name] = array(
'reason' => $mytext,
// 'message' => $submission->get_response(),
'message' => __('' . $submission->get_response() . '','contact-form-7'), //includes/contact-form.php
I hope it will be useful.
Thank you for this great plugin.