Forum Replies Created
Hi, I am aware that I can add it to the tabs but I would prefer not to do it that way
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display 1 post per author@t-p thanks, I tried these, they do not work
Hi Patrik, I have a similar issue, I am using Divi engine to create the custom post type. Called it “talents”. Is it possible to do the same. I tried changing ’10_soruda_evrenkent’ to ‘events’ but cannot get it to work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gallery with thumbnail slider] Auto Slide (autoplay) does not work correctlyI am having the same issue, did you manage to sort it out
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Sales date incorrectForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] Display CPT in widgetsHi Michael, thanks for the speedy response.
Below is the link to the page i want to display it on, for some reason my screen shot wont paste. Is there a way I can send you login details if it helps. I need to add the CPT to the widgets but i cannot get it to display using the normal category widget
Settings for post:
name: brands
label: Brands
singular_label: Brand
description: All brands by Avroy Shlain
public: true
publicly_queryable: true
show_ui: true
show_in_nav_menus: true
delete_with_user: false
show_in_rest: true
rest_base: “”
rest_controller_class: “”
has_archive: true
has_archive_string: “”
exclude_from_search: false
capability_type: post
hierarchical: true
rewrite: true
rewrite_slug: “”
rewrite_withfront: true
query_var: true
query_var_slug: “”
menu_position: “”
show_in_menu: true
show_in_menu_string: “”
menu_icon: dashicons-admin-multisite
custom_supports: “”Settings for Taxonomy
name: brand_category
label: Brand Categories
singular_label: Brand Category
description: “”
public: true
publicly_queryable: true
hierarchical: true
show_ui: true
show_in_menu: true
show_in_nav_menus: true
query_var: true
query_var_slug: “”
rewrite: true
rewrite_slug: “”
rewrite_withfront: true
rewrite_hierarchical: true
show_admin_column: false
show_in_rest: true
show_in_quick_edit: “”
rest_base: “”
rest_controller_class: “”
meta_box_cb: “”
default_term: “”