Forum Replies Created
Thanks for your answer. I’ve changed the cURL timeout from 10 to 30, and now the plugins’ updates works. Thanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Kontrast] Site broken after upgrade to WP5.0.4Thanks a lot
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Folder Gallery] Lost dev functionalityI hope. Thanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Change php version = blank page (only with Hueman)Hi,
I don’t get any php error on the screen that I preview or activate the hueman theme, only a blank screen (i’ve put DEBUG=true in wp-config.php)
When i switch to customizr or others themes, everything is ok.
I have a dev site with hueman too and i don’t have problem on that one.
I’ve already reinstall WP4.8 and delete/add again Hueman, nothing works.
Now i’am in php 7, but pb is the same 5.6/7Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Change php version = blank page (only with Hueman)I can also specify that even when I “preview” the hueman theme, I have a blank page in the right part
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Change php version = blank page (only with Hueman)Hi Rocco,
Thanks for your response. Yes i’ve already enable debug mode.
Best regardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Folder Gallery] Responsive Lightbox plugin engine does not workHello,
The TosRUs option of Responsive Lightbox does not work either. In fact, I was planning on buying the payfile addon from dfactory’s Lightgallery for responsive lightbox, which offers thumbnails and automatic slideshow, but I have no guarantee that it works with galleries Folder galleryForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Folder Gallery] EXIF/IPTC Info as legendThanks a lot!
It seems to work rather well.
Take a look at: here:
No IPTC meta in this last example, it would be better to hide the “Unable to read IPTC info” legendI have others problems with fancybox 2 options but it’s another subject ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Folder Gallery] EXIF/IPTC Info as legendThanks for your answer.
EXIF meta contains informatations writen only by the Camera (Model, Aperture…). It can be interisting sometimes, but the “description” meta where you can describe your pictures in a software like Lightroom or many others is writen in IPTC.
The specification is here:
and as php seems to have functions like:
i was thinghing it could be possible to query and show them. The most usefull are “Title” and “Caption” meta.With this plugin: includes shortcodes like:
[bs_button size=”md” type=”primary” value=”Commencer ici” href=””%5DHi bdbrown,
Thanks for your useful answer.
In fact my need is to use the excerpt part of the content which is above the <–more–> link, not to add extra excerpt.
Nevertheless the Rich Text Excerpts is interresting besause it allows me to add several html attributes if i copy the text in the except box.
But I wanted to add Bootstrap style buttons, and they don’t appear on homepage until i modify the content.php in my hueman child theme with <?php the_content(); ?> instead of <?php the_excerpt(); ?>.
So it meens Hueman is still filtering the excerpt, even if i use the Rich Text Excerpts plugin.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Duena] Changing all the pinkThanks…but i already know this.
I’ve puta { color: #ffcc00; text-decoration: none; }
in the child style.css to change the original color, but it still use the style in duena\bootstrap\css\bootstarp.css, not the one i put in my child theme (duena-child\style.css).
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Duena] Changing all the pinkHello,
This theme seems very interresting. I try to change all the pink color with yellow #ffcc00. I follow the instructions above. I’ve created a child theme. Overriding the styles declared in the parent duena style.css sems ok, but not for the ones declared in the bootstrap.css and in the flexslider.css
All the “a” link are not changed (declared in bootstrap.css), nor the nav buttons in flexslider (declared in flexslider.css).Any idea ? Thanks.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Jetpack carousel won't work since updateHi,
I have the same problem. Carrousel and Mosaic pictures from Jetpack doesn’t work with Customizr (i’m new with this theme, trying to see if i can use it). I’ve tried the piece of code above in a function.php of the child theme, but i get:Fatal error: Call to undefined function tc__() in /datas/vol1/ on line 26
Yes! OK. It works.
I was not looking for mu-plugins in the right folder.
Thanks a lot !!