15 years, 11 months ago
Thank you.. I just needed to know where to look, and now i did.. Thanks!
I hope you can help me with this as well..
How do I make the author appear when I read a single post? Right now it doesnt appear when you “push the link” of a post..
16 years ago
It worked..
Thank you!
Of course.. Sorry.
In the first post there is two links called “her”
And thank you.
There nothing called that..
Could it be anything else?
Okay.. thank you
The code “a { color: blue; }”, “a:hover { red; }” changed the color of the category-links, tags etc.
What is the code for the links I create in a post?
I’ve forund out how to change the name
Now I just need to move the links to the bottom of the page??
I can′t find a widget that can help me. Think i′ve used all there is to use.
Where do I find the code?
I’ve worked it out…
Thank you for your help
Now I have switched the name of the link to “Next page” and “Previous page”. But the “Next page” link is on the left site of the page.
How do i switch the place of the links? – So that the “Next page” is on the right site, and “previous page” is on the left site.
16 years, 1 month ago
Thank you.
Maybe it′s at stupid question, but where do I insert the code?
Like on this page. Just with a black thick line..
Various posts…
Separation each different post.
I don’t want to remove “arkiv”.
When you press the links in “arkiv” or “kategori” it says: “Archive for February, 2009”, “Archive for the ‘Alt og intet’ Category” etc.
Is it possible to remove that?